Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comPost by John SmithListen primitive,
Do you not know what you and your "civilization" owe to ours? Have
you that little knowledge of history? Have you ever studied Algebra?
The root of the word is al-jebr 'the reintegration' - from jabara
"reunite". And when you wrote it in this class, you wrote it in
"Arabic" numerals, did you not? And while your ancestors were in the
"Dark Ages" and burned the Greek and Roman classics as sinful, who
preserved, translated and studied them? The Muslims did, and if not
for us, many would have been lost for all time. Who kept the sciences
alive while the Christians shunned them? We did. For example, in
addition to the math mentioned above, we discovered the family of
compounds called alcohols - ( al-koh''l ). The list can go on if you
would like.
It was the reacquisition of the classics through our stewardship and
the extension of our science that made your much needed renaissance
possible. We had running water and lighted streets when your
ancestors thought bathing was sinful and spread the plague through
their poor hygiene.
That was then, this is now.
Now it is islam that is in the dark ages outlawing television
while the west is watching pictures of from mars on television.
And Al Jazeera is one of the fastest growing television services in
the world. So either a lot of Moslems watch TV, or Al Jazeera's point
of view is catching on like wild fire in the west. :) Why is it
you wish to take the most extreme cases and say they represent all of
Islam? Obviously, by the above example, they don't.
Moslems have just recently figured out how to have
a satellite tv station without government control.
The moslem masses, not having had this novel thing before,
are piling on in droves.
Christians have had an al-jazeera for a couple of decades now.
The 700 club has long ago sucked up the marks susceptible to
its influence so it has a lower potential for growth than al jazeera.
I am not using extreme cases, I am comparing
extreme western christian cases with what is more
normal in islamic society.
Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comPost by John SmithThe question was posted by one of your fellow enlightened 7th century
Do Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson speak for all Christians? I think
no. And do you think that this faqi speaks for all Moslems? If so,
then I beseech you to think again, for it is not so.
Jerry falwell and pat robertson are kept under control
by western law and freedom of religion tradition,
Not all of your religious extremist are kept under control. They have
also set off bombs and killed people. See my other posts in the old
thread on this topic.
Western religious extremists who kill people and explode things
are rare enough that they can be dealt with as if they were
ordinary criminals. Falwell and robertson, whatever their true
feelings may be, have sense enough(or western tradition enough)
to publicly denounce these people. Compare that to algeria,
or pakistan or saudi arabia, or the indonesian muslim extremists,
and the islamic clerics in those areas.
Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comwhile your hypothetical other muslims
are kept under control by islamic law and head chopping off tradition.
It seems you are in the U.S. Does not the U.S. have capital
punishments? And do the Europeans not say that this proves the U.S.
is not civilized? Maybe your practices are closer to those of Islamic
countries than European ones?
The areas in the US that defend executions the loudest are
generally the same areas where christian religious
fanatics have the most influence. They
like to say god authorised executing murderers
so its ok to do it. The same areas
have a reputation for convicting innocent people
then keeping them in prison in spite of new
evidence proving them innocent.
Western europe is less influenced by christian fundamentalists
than america is.
I would say america is more rowdy than europe, not
less civilised, although there are americans
who think we should be less civilised than europe
eg. we should enact bible law and not allow muslims to
practice their religion.
The practices promoted by people in these areas are amazingly similar to
though the people would say they are nothing like
muslims because they don't wear towels on their heads
and spell gods name differently.
Post by SayeedAs for Islamic law or Sharia, some
counties have it and others have it in part, and others not at all.
Post by x***@erols.comPost by John SmithFirst I suggest you stop your brethren from outlawing
kites before you tackle the concept of space or comment on anything
related to space travel.
Don't some Christians wish to outlaw birth control? I believe this
was the case in Ireland, is it still? So do all Christian counties do
this? No, and not all Muslim countries outlaw kites. And which would
you rather be without anyway? Birth control or kites? ;-)
The irish are in the process of removing their mullahs from power.
Other western countries have already done so.
Where is the progress in islamic countries? Turkey
has been trying for 80 years and hasn't done it yet.
Turkey is arguably as secular as Ireland if not more so. Turkey even
banned the wearing of religious clothing and changed the country's
alphabet to distance itself from what its leader Mustafa Kemal
Attaturk considered a failed past. An Islamic party is in office, but
there is a firm limit to what they can do. And as for Ireland, how
often is the religious party in the government? When where
contraceptives made legal? When was the last of the Magdalene
Laundries closed?
Turkey and ireland I think are not that similar.
The ataturk people tried for 80 years to modernise turkish society
by brute force. Islamic society is so resistant to any change
that this didn't entirely work.
Ireland on the other hand adapted better to the 20th
century without the need of an ataturk.
I keep hearing that in the 90's ireland suddenly
decided to dump their slavish obedience to the catholic church.
Their economy powered up tremendously. People stopped
leaving ireland and started going there instead,
a little like what is starting to happen an bahrain.
What I hear about this turkish islamic party
is that is *voluntarily* limiting its power
over peoples private lives, which is not remotely like
most islamic parties. If this is really what they are,
and not just a lie to get into power, then maybe we've discovered
that it takes 80 years of ataturk dictators to bring
islamic societies into the present.
I don't think ireland really had a religious party,
its just that all the parties were afraid of the church's
influence and did whatever it wanted.
I believe contraceptives are still illegal in ireland,
but people can get them without much trouble anyways.
They aren't arrested like they used to be.
Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comBahrain is a tiny country with no influence.
It and the other small gulf states are actually quite influential.
Where do you think Al Jazeera is based? It has rocked the Islamic
world to it's foundations.
I think al jazeera is based in quatar. Im sure i heard about
arab countries complaining about al jazeera to the quatar government.
How much influence does bahrain have? I get the impression
that its just a place where non millionaire saudis can go to
see a movie or listen to a non arab band in a nightclub
and look at women who aren't covered with a black shroud.
Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comI would rather be without the religious fanatics who
say "you can't use birth control/kites because its against my religion.
But in the talibans afganistan you can be arrested for flying a kite,
but in western countries you can't be arrested for using birth control.
I do not know if the Irish have stopped arresting people for birth
control, but if they have, it wasn't so long ago. And it was not so
long ago that Bill Baird was arrested in Boston for just talking of
That was in 1967. Islamic medieval behavior is happening now.
Also, the catholic church was responsible for that kind of thing.
They are one of the west's champions of medievel thinking.
They are still squawking about birth control but nobody is listening,
not even catholics.
Post by SayeedAnd if Afghanistan is backwards, do you think that the fact that it
was trapped in proxy wars between superpowers for over 150 years
helped matters? And as for the Islamic extremist and the holy
warriors, did they exist as they do today before the U.S. spent
billions of dollar to encourage, train and arm them to fight the
Soviets and turned Pakistan into an armed camp to do so?
Yes they did exist. America just fed them and pointed them at the
Post by SayeedYour country
played the largest role in creating the form of militant Islam that
later turned against you.
I think the saudis funding wahabi schools for 30 years
has the largest role. Islamic militants were useful
as proxy soldiers against the USSR in the cold war,
but if they were not used that way by the US, they would still exist.
Post by SayeedMany people tried to warn the U.S. that it
would be next.
Thats typical of US foreign policy after WWII. It would be funny
if it was only a movie.
Post by SayeedWhat did the U.S. do after the Soviets left Afghanistan? They
abandoned the country to the heavily armed factions that had been
created by U.S. money, support and training. After all, the Soviets
had been defeated, so who cared about Afghanistan after that?
Yes. The US had no interest in occupying other countries at that time.
The big threat was 10,000 soviet nukes. Primitive tribesmen
with muskets didn't seem very dangerous.
Afganistan itself is not that big a threat, it just had the bad luck of
being Osamas hideout. Pakistan and saudi islamists are
much more dangerous.
Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comPost by John SmithFor what it's worth, by the time you finish
your idiotic ritual in space, you'll probably be facing another
continent anyway.
Many people pray. Why do you call prayer idiotic? Are you in the
U.S. of A.? Your headers say you are, do they not? Did you know that
most people in that country pray? Did you know that 60% of the people
of the U.S. believe that
"The story of Noah and the ark in which it rained for 40 days and
nights, the entire world was flooded, and only Noah, his family and
the animals on their ark survived." is "Literally True"?
It seems from the polls that the people of the U.S. have more belief
in Allah/God than science, does it not?
This is indeed a problem in the US, but at least the christian
ayatollahs are unable to execute scientists for doing science.
The U.S. is a very religious country and is in many ways closer to the
Islamic world than it is to Europe. As for executing scientist, where
have you read of Muslims doing this? In the U.S. creation of the
former failed state of Afghanistan?
Muslims execute all kinds of infidels. Why would scientists
be any different? I have heard from a biologist association that
biologists in islamic countries have received death threats
for writing about evolution.
Post by SayeedBut I will say that sadly, hundreds of years of poverty have left us
with far too few scientist, and the social change needed for a
progressive society takes generations after the arrival of wealth to
take effect in the larger countries.
You have that backwards. The scientists came first, the wealth and
social change followed. Islamic societies seem to violently
resist any change that science would cause. They'll swap their
swords for guns the better to slay infidels, but they seem to have
no notion of learning new things in order to invent better
weapons than the west has. The koran has all knowledge
people need to know.
Post by SayeedTurkey, with its head start
because of Attaturk, and the gulf states are our best hope to lead us
to the future now.
Indonesia might be a better bet. I think the gulf states
have too many tribesmen with iron age attitudes to go very far,
in spite of bahrain. Turkey only looks advanced compared to
places like saudi arabia. It isn't really a modern society
as far as I can see. Time will tell.
Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comPost by John SmithBesides, you are prohibited from accusing others of
ignorance by default.
Read what I have written above and see if perhaps your mind has been
blackened by anger. In the words of Cromwell, "I beseech you, in the
name of Christ (Peace Be Upon Him), think it possible you are wrong."
I agree with you there. Islam is more effectively attacked
by discussing its silly claims than by jumping up and down and
Why do you fail to see the role that the U.S. has played in its combat
with the former Soviet Union and it's current excessive support of
Israel in encouraging the worst in Islam?
The problems caused by the cold war are starting to
fade now that the cold war is over, except for
the islamic fundamentalist problem, which is getting worse under its
own power. That makes me think it would have existed whether
the US made use of it or not.
The case in israel is just another example of religious fanatics.
Fanatic jews know god gave them a particular patch of land
and authorised them to kill anyone else living there.
Fanatic muslims know god gave them dominion over the whole earth
and authorised them to kill infidels, especially those who steal
their land. Meanwhile fanatic christians, thinking the jewish presence
israel means god will return to earth and conquer it for
christianity, try to capture the government of the most
technically advanced and economically powerful country on earth
and use it to hasten that event.
The worst thing about the israel situation is that the nuts aren't
killing each other nearly fast enough.
Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comMuslims do that better than westerners anyway.
I don't know about that. There seem to be some really fanatically
blind bigots on the side of the "west" in these news groups! ;-)
In the west you find them in the newsgroups. In islamic
countries you find them on the street.
Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comPost by John SmithFuck you. Fuck Islam.
Are you proud of expressing yourself this way? Does it show what is
good about your culture?
Fuck your pedophile prophet.
As you write from a country that does such an awful job of dealing
with adolescent sexuality, I must take your criticisms with a grain of
salt. But just for the sake of rejoinder, how old was Mary when Jesus
was born? Most scholars say 12-14 is a reasonable guess. By
contemporary standards, does that make God a "pedophile"?
Saudi arabia deals with adolecent sexuality by
locking girls in burning buildings.
The Saudis have their Wahhabi fanatics, this is true, but hey do not
represent all of islam, only an extreme.
All the screaming about headscarfs in various contries
suggests that the wahabis are the normal moslems, not the extremists.
Post by SayeedPost by x***@erols.comPerhaps thats better than the way the west does it.
The west is not monolithic. The U.S. is different than Europe or
Japan. As it cannot decide whether it is secular or religious, it has
had some of the highest rates of illegitimate birth and sexually
transmitted disease in the world. Your country is not the best
example to follow, now is it?
I've often wondered what american would be like if there was
no religious right. Would it have a 51st state on the moon maybe?
I would say its not that america is a bad example, but there
are too many religious fanatics there, which is not good for any
modern society. If america were truly islam-like, it
would be a lot worse.
Post by SayeedYet most people in the U.S. dislike the more liberal European
countries (and the more conservative Islamic countries) that have more
(and fewer) sexually active youths than the U.S. and both have lower
rates of illegitimate birth and sexually transmitted disease than the
U.S. It is human nature to claim you are the best even if the
objective measure say otherwise. And if you created extremist forces
to do your bidding and fight your enemies and that later turned on
you, it is tempting to blame others rather than take responsibility
What is "best" is always arbitrary. Islamic fanatics say
it is best to keep women locked in the house and cut off the heads of
people with the wrong religion. Other types of people disagree.
There is disagreement over whether the american
or european version of civil liberties is "better", of course islam
rejects both of them. There is no "objective" measure of what is better.
Conditions in america used by islamic fanatics to prove the american way
is bad are considered by americans to be proof that the
american way is best. And of course it works in the other direction too.
Post by SayeedBut perhaps if you had a better understanding of your own failings,
you could then more honestly and constructively deal with ours. If
you would attack our self-righteousness and failings, first address
your own and we'll all be better off, don't you think?
The nature of americas failings are mostly very different
from the nature of islams failings. Dealing with one does not
neccesarily help you with the other.
One aspect of americas failings is this: because american
culture, economy and military is so immensly powerful,
minor "failings" do damage way out of proportion to the
magnitude of the failing. Its like superman accidentally
walking into a wall. A normal person would just bump the wall,
but superman smashes a hole in it.
Its all very well to tell superman to not make holes in walls,
but when someone who deliberately smashes holes in walls
criticises superman for doing it accidentally while
he is rescuing people from a burning building it looks kind of silly.
Post by SayeedPeace be with you,
Sayeed et al.