Please.. give my mom mercy.. how can you not care enough to help?
2016-03-02 02:54:26 UTC
Please help me save my mother's life..
Hello.. I've got a story of a precious life, my mom.. and
about clear abuse transpiring in real time over at the
Health Science Center in Winnipeg.. I'm currently
seeking for good politicians, a good lawyer.. and
some public exposure..
Jenny's Doctor forbade the administration of a narcotic, but the
medical records indicate someone went ahead and administered
it anyway.. causing her to be pronounced clinically dead.
They claim my mom has organ failure, and had clinically
died Feb 3rd 2016, but.. she lives on today! despite their
failures still, to address my mother's true health concerns.
Freely urinating, and defecated near everyday, only
because I feed her, and am trying to protect her for as much
time as I can sacrifice.. Please, express your humanity by
telling this story.. It's not only about my mother, but a great
many others that are left to fall forsaken neglected, for I am
told, this form of complaint against the Winnipeg Health
Science Center numbers in the thousands.. So I am told,
by such similar complaints the government of Manitoba
registers, but does near nothing yet to remedy for the
Public interest of Canada.
Please help me save my mother's life.
The Protection of Persons in Care office, that enacts
the Provincial Act, contacted me today to inform that
the Hospital did not provide them the medical records
for the critical days of question.. Feb 2nd, and 3rd..
However.. they do tell if the alleged facts are proven
true.. (I argued by just simply making one phone call
to Dr. T - Dr. T = something like, Tazariamansing, or
in the evidence I gave, of the head nurse CONFIRMING,
that what was forbidden, has been administered) there
would most certainly be, a public inquest..Though, that
can't happen for two more weeks, due the person
responsible is on vacation!. It is NOT only my mother's
life on the line..
The Protection of Persons in Care Act's, Senior Administer,
is named Chris, and can be contacted at 204 788 6----
And please, all you honorable MPs, please forward this
to those you know should be likewise, greatly concerned..
We here in Winnipeg, seriously need your help..
Ca|l me with any questions you may have..
John Kinal.. --- --- ----
John Kinal - Protections of Persons in Care Act - Feb 24 2016
Please, for the love of mercy, forward this information to everyone in Winnipeg..
'..thousands of similar complaints, that will go not looked at..'
Please.. I'm the only one who can care enough to feed my mom.. she's going to die without me.. and all these weeks her life could have been saved, but for no one caring enough to forward this information to the police world wide, or to cops here in Winnipeg individually.. We are so despised for being wise, for being loving.. for caring.. 1000's of victims falling, treated for shortness of breath, to shorten their breaths to suffocation. To see the video of my mother suffocating under the poisoning.. and to care not for such a kind gentle women in her eighties? How can you not care? How can you live with yourselves? How?
On Feb 2,, 2016 after discovering my mother to be on death meds, namely hydromorphone to hamper breathing for death, I demanded such madness stop immediately.. telling Dr. T of all the witnesses the day before, and the official record of Jenny up with several physiotherapists , Dr. T agreed to call a halt.. Then ordering, that if Jenny, woman with 'multiple organ failure' seems in dire need for such opiates, I will be called to witness such anguish..
On Feb 3, RN Delaney phoned at 6pm to have me come to the hospital, to okay the death meds (hydromorphone) - I arrived in 7 minutes to witness my mother appearing dead, with all the moisture gone from her skin, not appearing to be breathing.. I talked to her of what I thought she was going through, as incapable of taking a breath, due the poisons RN Delanely used apposing Doctor's orders..How do we know this most certain? From Jenny herself, for ten hours, telling of how she can not take a full breath, just as such poison is designed.. Turns out, Delaney and Dr. T were wrong that mom had total organ failure..
How's that? It's called attempted murder..
There are a possible number of other murder victims..
Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?
Points of Fact:
They claimed Jenny had multiple organ failure where clearly she does not.
To 'justify' hydromoraphone, as a poisonous opiate to hamper breathing,
that would have killed her, hadn't I stopped it.
Nurse Delaney repeatedly encouraged me to stop speaking to the clinically
dead, before I revived my forsaken mother, left as dead in bed, looking
seriously poisoned with a diuretic, and no doubt, hydromoraphone,
Something I had banned her with the agreeing Doctor's admonishment
from doing ever again the day before. Without my implicit approvable,
it would not be allowed to happen again.
Suspect Nurse #2.. She firstly reported to a doctor that I was abusing what
she understood, to be the clinically dead. The doctor arrived to witness
Jenny sitting up alive. Then, shortly later, shows back up to tell, I should
get my mom back on the hydromorophone.. Telling as recorded, I don't
want to make Jenny suffer with her multiple organ failures do I. Told to
me no less than 7 times, by at least three nurses trying to control free
thought through guilt on the issue. Telling her I did, as recorded, Jenny
is not in any pain, and certainly most does not need something to stop her
from breathing. The suspect Nurse #2 then leaves, and reportedly by her
co-worker, to tell me later as recorded in evidence also, that they decided
together, I must not be allowed to wake the pronounced clinically dead
again.. Claiming such action is not caring. Implicit in knowing, as
recorded, she was left for dead by themselves, until I had revived her..
This is wilful attempted murder once more, that she knows they are
almost caught for it clearly appears in the light of fairly understanding
the evidence before us.
On Feb 2,, 2016 after discovering my mother to be on death meds,
namely hydromorphone to hamper breathing for death, I demanded
such madness stop immediately.. telling Dr. of all the witnesses the
day before, and the official record of Jenny up with several
physiotherapists , Dr. T agreed to call a halt.. Then ordering,
that if Jenny, woman with 'multiple organ failure' seems in dire
need for such opiates, I will be called to witness such anguish..
On Feb 3, RN Delaney phoned at 6pm to have me come to the
hospital, to okay the death meds (hydromorphone) - I arrived
in 7 minutes to witness my mother appearing dead, with all the
moisture gone from her skin, not appearing to be breathing..
I talked to her of what I thought she was going through, as
incapable of taking a breath, due the poisons RN Delanely
used apposing Doctor's orders..How do we know this most
certain? From Jenny herself, for ten hours, telling of how she
can not take a full breath, just as such poison is designed..
Turns out, Delaney and Dr. T were wrong that mom had total
organ failure.. How's that? It's called attempted murder..
There are a possible number of other murder victims..
Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?
Justice is freedom - NOTE TO POLICE
The Evidence
(newest version..)
Irene McDonald, as the Executive Assistant to the Investigations
Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Manitoba
has recommended this as an allegation of criminal infraction, be
handled directly by the Police..It's about time.. Police In. R16 9616
This is what we witness here as recorded in evidence.. They
said the crime victim had organ failure, and would never recover..
A LIE.. Left for done in with the poison known of as Hydromorphone.
Raised from a certain death sentence, and found without the reason
given, to try and steal an innocent Life of one so still, left in jeopardy.
This needs widespread criminal investigations for the public interest..
for we the people will to be civilized.. Fair say all the way means
everyone wins.. I want only the best for my mother in a ward of
likewise care givers.. I think we can work together, and get
that done as soon as possible..
New in the Developing Case: of the Formal Complaint Against the
Named Nurses and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Science Center
Regarding, 'With RN Delaney again, insisting that I was not
facing reality.. That I should be just thankful for the
time I had with mom.. Jenny then began to revive..'
This after being put on 'end of life meds' to steal my mother's
life, without consultation.. Considering the day before she was
up and eating, and wanting to go home. Please, call the cops too.
In conjunction with the 22 of January where I was told Jenny
had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine
patch on her shoulder area..Apposing they did the wishes of
both Mother and son.
Everyday that goes by, while we wait for the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Manitoba to act correctly in the defense of my
innocent mother's Life, is another day she is still left in mortal
jeopardy.. These facts detail a need to have her immediately
moved out of the HCS's 'comfort ward' and to be into intensive
care where not needed treatments, are no longer administered..
Act now..
Formal Complaint Against the Named Nurses
and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Science Center
On the 21st of January, despite Jenny's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jenny, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..
On the 22 of January, I was told Jenny had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area..
To whom this concerns..
My name in John Kinal, the son of Jenny Kinal, currently held against our will at 4H at the Health Science Center.
My mother told the hospital upon admission, she did not want a nicotine patch, but two weeks in, when she's near a coma.. they appose her wishes and my own, giving her the POISONOUS nicotine, and she then has, a massive heart attack hours later..Then a week later, puts her on end of life medications.. To die of.. for sure for sure.. 100%.. every patient under such treatment DIES.. I fought to deny my mother had complete organ failure.. and over 20 hours in total, brought her back to life..From a position the hospital has decided to do nothing for.. because she was clinically dead..
"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "
Think of this.. They poison patients so they can't take a breath, then when the patient struggles to breath due the muscles not working, they only answer, must need more pure oxygen, or Hydromorphone ..Another quick death they believe they will escape criminal charges over..
When I learned they were giving my mother end of life medication, where only the day before she was at near the best she had been since arriving.. I demanded such madness stop immediately.. Of which two RNs on the floor argued with me for 30 minutes, to suggest I was being cruel to try such action. They argued I have not the right to deny death meds,and told I must speak to "Dr. T", of which I did.. Reminding her of all the witnesses to my mothers health, from the day before.. such as the physiotherapist.. sitting in bed, talking, and eating several yogurts, juice, and water.. She told she would then have the poising stopped... nd if the seriously unqualified RN Ms. Delaney, decided it at a
later time needed to continue, would have me called firstly, to get to the hospital to witness such need.. The next day, at approximately 6pm, Ms. Delanely called me to come and witness her condition, in need of death meds.. I get all the way to the distant HSC in approximately 7 minutes.. to witness her 'dead' in bed.. not breathing due the medication stopping the muscles of her lungs incapable of taking a breath..Ms. Delaney told me to stop talking to a corpse that can't hear, speak, or see.. All the fluids of her body had been removed due, what was likely an overdose of a diuretic.. her lips were near black. Ms. Delanely told I was not ever going to get a response talking to a body with
complete organ failure..She can't pee, so her body is clinically dead..I remained, and in approximately an hour, her lips move in response to water.. and slowly I brought her back to life.. Delaney never returned to the attempted murder scene for the rest of her time at shift.. No 'miracle' claimed, but for by the several aids who witnessed, in part the 'miracle'.
The evidence offered for fair public interest, tells Ms. Delany's plan was to tell she didn't give such medications as a lie.. Why? On video, of my mother recovering the assault states.. she can't take a breath (her lungs are poisoned on purpose, due the "medicine") it takes near 20 hours for the poison to be left absent her blood stream according to the videos..The medical record as quoted to me 24 hours later, when I'm leaving for home after resurrecting the dead.. I'm told indicates the last poisoning to stop muscle function occurred 24 hours prior..
I need a formal investigation, following probable cause to arrive at the fair conclusion of decisions made to steal my mother's life..
Contact me immediately on the fair actions already underway to gather the facts here,
To College of Nurses in Manitoba...
It is John Kinal reporting in on recent disturbing developments on the Jenny Kinal matter at Winnipeg's Health Science Center in 4H. As you may already be aware, hopefully, I struggled in a meeting with five professional individuals on Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016, to have Jenny Kinal taken off the hydromorophine, considering it appears as the primary cause for why it killed her, as according to RN Delaney, on February 3rd, 2016. They crazily, like unreasonable psychopaths on a mission of self destruction, argued against it.. claiming my reasoning they would at all costs refuse to tune into.. so mush so.. that Dr. Semus suggested, perhaps an alternative could be found to stop their
naked exposure to the light of being.. and would get on that, quickly, as they had done.. as it was achieved, the next day. Despite Jenny and myself stating, we do not want to be doped.. we want our bodies to heal without the confusion created by opiates, and poisons that mess with the muscles of our lungs to stop one from breathing.. But who cares truly for the health as well being of person or persons truly, for they appear insisting, Jenny's life is not the concern here.. The concern is not allowing her to live, free of the lie, that she still has, "multiple organ failure" going on three weeks..pigging out.. (she wants yogurt, egg salad, salmon, blue berries, and some kind of specialty
stews..) , Instead of facing the mistake, they've chosen still, to steal her life.. Her life loved by me.. As it has turned out however, the new opiate concoction administered by patch, exposed the reality, with the turn around.. That NO PAIN Jenny had, or has through the transformation to getting well.. But get this my learned friends.. prepare yourself.. Friday morning, February 27 2016.. Vanessa, head of all nurses for the Health Science Center, ward 4H and beyond, at approximately 9:14 am, informed me, that Jenny yelled through out the night.. I spoke to state, that even so, the quantification she was making is still unknown.. See, it could mean, her screaming is a good thing..
because, now she can breath.. Then she said, challenging my great wisdom of all ages, she had been screaming, "help me".. I asked Vanessa firstly, "was she then sedated", she responded, "no, she wasn't." I then said, "so this is then in the official report? She said "yes..". "Oh", I said.. "I arrived here at approximately 6:18 am, and was approached by the night Nurse responsible for Jenny, knowing her well, over this life and death struggle.. and she's stated that Jenny was exceptional through the night.. rested comfortably.. as showing a good sign for progress." I then looked over to my left, and there she was.. six feet away, not gone home yet.. I stated, "Hi.. ..did you hear Jenny
scream, 'help me, help me', through the night?" She only looked briefly in terror at the face of Vanessa, then turned quickly, without a word.. and took off out of there.. Oh oh.. This is very serious.. potentially deadly if you asked me to speak in all candor, knowing what I know.. as true, holds some jeopardy to the night Nurse's true professionalism for starters, as Vanessa is her blindly foolish superior .. Why so certain? I don't have to tell you, as the College of Registered Nurses here in Manitoba, but for those not familiar reading here. See.. That would mean, Vanessa has committed a crime, and should in all fairness, though PUBLIC fair trial, be challenged to lose her license for a
lifetime.. and.. we most definitely need to call the cops about the attempted murder no doubt.. As I've stated since this madness of contempt for thousands of innocent lives started, by irrational constructs, of those who mostly only deceive themselves when Johnny enters the scene .. Do not now, in addition to holding Jenny's life in contempt, do so also, to the other wonderful woman who has done no harm alleged to anyone, being curtious, kind, and all around.. a really sweet gal.. I immediately explained this true horror occurring in real time to Dr. Semus, of which Vanessa, only feet away to hear me explain.. took the stage.. Time is pressing.. and this story is far from over.. though
when telling of her twisting to tale a fib so ridiculous, Dr. Semus walked away while she was speaking... In short form, she claimed she spoke not of 'through the night', but of 'through the evening'.. defining such a term as between 3pm and 5:30 pm.. trouble is, I was there with Jenny through out near that entire frame.. as was the tricky Dr. Colister.. and three others from Palliative care.. No.. four.. I left at approximately, 5:12pm that day.. I kid not.. my life is bared to witness. So, of course.. I then expressed THE ONLY RIGHT I have in demanding the report of my mother's treatment from starting on this allegation against a honorable nurse to finish including the critical incident
summaries of her death on February 3rd.. And in short form, Dr. Semus, responded, he had no knowledge of February 3rd, 2016.. Despite, Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016 (Many Doctors lead busy busy lives I suppose..) WOW.. that means.. well.. you as the professionals should know without me telling.. I will my mother to be moved from 4H at our earliest convenience, and especially, not given opiates mixed with poisons to further steal her precious innocent life.. She does not deserve this.. nor should anyone else, ever again.. We need a public action to remedy this for the better good of everyone..With the newspaper or without..Thousands here in Winnipeg have fallen victim to die forsaken,
according to my discussions with one Provincial investigator's aid. That of which, we together, don't yet, have the manpower, or the jurisdiction.. the Police do though, as lead by experienced practitioners.. I will to assist in any way possible to get to the core of what is important here.. My mother.. Let's let science prevail in determining what serves our healths best how about my friends?
Addendum : when I stated that it could be a positive thing that Jenny can now freely breath instead of being suffocated, I also stated, that she is for this day, eating more than she has since entering the hospital.. a container of blue berries, three yogurts, egg salad.. Vanessa immediately responded, by stating "I don't know that." See? No care for Jenny's well being..
Love John.
or Johnny..
or whatever..
let's do this..
..selling of a process she is 'aware of' has been committed to blindly lashing already though for furthering without a stitch of fact, as planned before hand - but.. I'll blab blab..
Jenny Kinal was admitted into the Health Science Center January 7th 8:41am
On the 21st of January, despite Jenny's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jenny, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..
On the 22 of January, I was told Jenny had a heat attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area.. I removed it, and told the doctor, being scientifically reasonable, she clearly was in no need of such poison.. considering her health issues.. and she apposed such poison from the day she entered.. and from that moment on.. it would not be continued..
Risk of acute first myocardial infarction and use of nicotine patches .
IT'S POISON... Hello... "harmless" .... you can't be serious when free men and women talk scientifically... and it's not burning with the additional many other ingredients people crave.. not as the deadly poison in it's purest stage. Besides, she had kicked the habit. Criminal negligence. Perhaps attempted murder as regular fair.
On Feb 1st Mom is near the best she's been since arriving.. sitting up on the bed, eating yogurts, drinking water and juices.. and with the physiotherapist, was talking with me on how the plan is to bring about a hopeful position where she can walk across the room eventually.. hopefully soon..
On February 2nd, upon witnessing my mother unresponsive to all stimuli, and witnessing a intravenous drip containing a concoction she had not received prior.. and given to her without me told of such a change.. discovered they were injecting her with an 'end of life' morphine derivative.. that stops humans from breathing..
I called RN Delaney to stop this action immediately.. She apposed, claiming such actions would be cruel for at least ten minutes..defeating her irrational position I did effectively, she sided to go get her fellow senior RN to argue with me in the hallway, that again, such action would be cruel, in not allowing her to die comfortably.. I would therefore need to speak to the head physician Dr. T.. Of who I reminded the recorded history of Jenny, just the day before.. under no pain or duress in breathing.. and with plenty of witnesses to attest.. She finally capitulated to intelligent discourse, and sided such poisoning would be halted.. but if it needed to be re-introduced, I would be called
before hand.. to witness a distress that would call for such poison.. I stayed with mom who remained near powerless to breath...
"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "
Of which they told me, this poison will restrict Jenny's breathing, but too as an opiate, she'll feel great in this ending of her life by serious criminal negligence.
On February 3rd, at 6 pm, I was phoned by RN Delaney.. and needed to come to the hospital to okay the death meds.. Conveniently, I arrived at the hospital in approximately 7 minutes to find her, in all appearances to be dead... All the water had been drained from her face, in what appeared to be a huge overdose of a diuretic.. (Urine tests that were expected to never
happen with the 'deceased' would confirm this..) As I spoke to Jenny, RX Delaney continued to insist I not do such a thing.. Jenny had complete organ failure, and can not hear, speak, or see.. As claimed, how she died was kidney failure to process urine.. and so all the poisons overtook her will to live.. so stop talking to the clinically dead.. WITH WITNESSES.. But no..
I know better.. and over the course of approximately an hour and a half.. With Delaney again, insisting that I was not facing reality.. That I should be just thankful for the time I had with mom.. she started to revive.. upon then.. RN Delaney did not say, "..a miracle!" No she left the room, to never return for more than 24 hours, plus.. She did not come back to work the next day, nor did Dr. T approach her workstation.. Nor did any Doctor visit any
other patient in the room as I recall thinking back.. Seeking a defense of plausible deniability, means they have to still insist, Mom's in a death coma..
As time permits, I will improve upon this outline... I would appreciate the quickest response feasible, to inform me on further processes, to move towards defending my mother's life hanging on, held in jeopardy by those that deny my mother's wishes, and my own to be scientific on how these medicines are administered.. Not as quoted in the audio, at regular intervals without measure..
Again, please phone me to co-operate in any respect of resolving this crisis, sooner than too much later.. Thanks before hand for being a professional about this matter..
BAD NEWS... the Provincial investigator responsible has near zero interest, due her case load of 10,000 "similar" complaints.. and she's going on vacation too. Will the case be forwarded to someone else? no.. despite the Law she is responsible for enforcing through the provincial government, is to protect patients falling in real time as crime victims.. Look.. say people
don't care to believe me... but no one else either? There is something so seriously wrong here..
Here is a partial list of those contacted today with this post...
***, ***, ***,***,*** <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <RT-***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <AnneMinh-***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,***
"Ben Swann" <***>, ***, ***, "Complaint Inquiry" <***>, "***" <***>, ***, ***, "davidicke" <***>, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, "JohNNy SiZZle" <***>, "Karl Delgadillo" <***>, ***, ***, "Lena Hunt" <***>,
***, ***, ***, "Managing Editor" <***>, "Mark Hamm" <***>, "Mark Neace" <***>, ***, ***, "NELLY GONZALEZ" <***>, ***, ***, ***, "***" <***>, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, RT-***, "Sarah Fenn" <***>, "Steve Lambert" <***>, ***, "Tim Runtz" <***>, ***, ***, ***
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <RT-***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <AnneMinh-***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,***,***
If you don't see you favorite media personality there..
forward this post to them if you would.. Again, it's about
many thousands of Winnipeg victims falling due the
Winnipeg media's failure to hold ourselves to account..
--- news:// - complaints: *** ---
Hello.. I've got a story of a precious life, my mom.. and
about clear abuse transpiring in real time over at the
Health Science Center in Winnipeg.. I'm currently
seeking for good politicians, a good lawyer.. and
some public exposure..
Jenny's Doctor forbade the administration of a narcotic, but the
medical records indicate someone went ahead and administered
it anyway.. causing her to be pronounced clinically dead.
They claim my mom has organ failure, and had clinically
died Feb 3rd 2016, but.. she lives on today! despite their
failures still, to address my mother's true health concerns.
Freely urinating, and defecated near everyday, only
because I feed her, and am trying to protect her for as much
time as I can sacrifice.. Please, express your humanity by
telling this story.. It's not only about my mother, but a great
many others that are left to fall forsaken neglected, for I am
told, this form of complaint against the Winnipeg Health
Science Center numbers in the thousands.. So I am told,
by such similar complaints the government of Manitoba
registers, but does near nothing yet to remedy for the
Public interest of Canada.
Please help me save my mother's life.
The Protection of Persons in Care office, that enacts
the Provincial Act, contacted me today to inform that
the Hospital did not provide them the medical records
for the critical days of question.. Feb 2nd, and 3rd..
However.. they do tell if the alleged facts are proven
true.. (I argued by just simply making one phone call
to Dr. T - Dr. T = something like, Tazariamansing, or
in the evidence I gave, of the head nurse CONFIRMING,
that what was forbidden, has been administered) there
would most certainly be, a public inquest..Though, that
can't happen for two more weeks, due the person
responsible is on vacation!. It is NOT only my mother's
life on the line..
The Protection of Persons in Care Act's, Senior Administer,
is named Chris, and can be contacted at 204 788 6----
And please, all you honorable MPs, please forward this
to those you know should be likewise, greatly concerned..
We here in Winnipeg, seriously need your help..
Ca|l me with any questions you may have..
John Kinal.. --- --- ----
John Kinal - Protections of Persons in Care Act - Feb 24 2016
Please, for the love of mercy, forward this information to everyone in Winnipeg..
'..thousands of similar complaints, that will go not looked at..'
Please.. I'm the only one who can care enough to feed my mom.. she's going to die without me.. and all these weeks her life could have been saved, but for no one caring enough to forward this information to the police world wide, or to cops here in Winnipeg individually.. We are so despised for being wise, for being loving.. for caring.. 1000's of victims falling, treated for shortness of breath, to shorten their breaths to suffocation. To see the video of my mother suffocating under the poisoning.. and to care not for such a kind gentle women in her eighties? How can you not care? How can you live with yourselves? How?
On Feb 2,, 2016 after discovering my mother to be on death meds, namely hydromorphone to hamper breathing for death, I demanded such madness stop immediately.. telling Dr. T of all the witnesses the day before, and the official record of Jenny up with several physiotherapists , Dr. T agreed to call a halt.. Then ordering, that if Jenny, woman with 'multiple organ failure' seems in dire need for such opiates, I will be called to witness such anguish..
On Feb 3, RN Delaney phoned at 6pm to have me come to the hospital, to okay the death meds (hydromorphone) - I arrived in 7 minutes to witness my mother appearing dead, with all the moisture gone from her skin, not appearing to be breathing.. I talked to her of what I thought she was going through, as incapable of taking a breath, due the poisons RN Delanely used apposing Doctor's orders..How do we know this most certain? From Jenny herself, for ten hours, telling of how she can not take a full breath, just as such poison is designed.. Turns out, Delaney and Dr. T were wrong that mom had total organ failure..
How's that? It's called attempted murder..
There are a possible number of other murder victims..
Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?
Points of Fact:
They claimed Jenny had multiple organ failure where clearly she does not.
To 'justify' hydromoraphone, as a poisonous opiate to hamper breathing,
that would have killed her, hadn't I stopped it.
Nurse Delaney repeatedly encouraged me to stop speaking to the clinically
dead, before I revived my forsaken mother, left as dead in bed, looking
seriously poisoned with a diuretic, and no doubt, hydromoraphone,
Something I had banned her with the agreeing Doctor's admonishment
from doing ever again the day before. Without my implicit approvable,
it would not be allowed to happen again.
Suspect Nurse #2.. She firstly reported to a doctor that I was abusing what
she understood, to be the clinically dead. The doctor arrived to witness
Jenny sitting up alive. Then, shortly later, shows back up to tell, I should
get my mom back on the hydromorophone.. Telling as recorded, I don't
want to make Jenny suffer with her multiple organ failures do I. Told to
me no less than 7 times, by at least three nurses trying to control free
thought through guilt on the issue. Telling her I did, as recorded, Jenny
is not in any pain, and certainly most does not need something to stop her
from breathing. The suspect Nurse #2 then leaves, and reportedly by her
co-worker, to tell me later as recorded in evidence also, that they decided
together, I must not be allowed to wake the pronounced clinically dead
again.. Claiming such action is not caring. Implicit in knowing, as
recorded, she was left for dead by themselves, until I had revived her..
This is wilful attempted murder once more, that she knows they are
almost caught for it clearly appears in the light of fairly understanding
the evidence before us.
On Feb 2,, 2016 after discovering my mother to be on death meds,
namely hydromorphone to hamper breathing for death, I demanded
such madness stop immediately.. telling Dr. of all the witnesses the
day before, and the official record of Jenny up with several
physiotherapists , Dr. T agreed to call a halt.. Then ordering,
that if Jenny, woman with 'multiple organ failure' seems in dire
need for such opiates, I will be called to witness such anguish..
On Feb 3, RN Delaney phoned at 6pm to have me come to the
hospital, to okay the death meds (hydromorphone) - I arrived
in 7 minutes to witness my mother appearing dead, with all the
moisture gone from her skin, not appearing to be breathing..
I talked to her of what I thought she was going through, as
incapable of taking a breath, due the poisons RN Delanely
used apposing Doctor's orders..How do we know this most
certain? From Jenny herself, for ten hours, telling of how she
can not take a full breath, just as such poison is designed..
Turns out, Delaney and Dr. T were wrong that mom had total
organ failure.. How's that? It's called attempted murder..
There are a possible number of other murder victims..
Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?
Justice is freedom - NOTE TO POLICE
The Evidence
(newest version..)
Irene McDonald, as the Executive Assistant to the Investigations
Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Manitoba
has recommended this as an allegation of criminal infraction, be
handled directly by the Police..It's about time.. Police In. R16 9616
This is what we witness here as recorded in evidence.. They
said the crime victim had organ failure, and would never recover..
A LIE.. Left for done in with the poison known of as Hydromorphone.
Raised from a certain death sentence, and found without the reason
given, to try and steal an innocent Life of one so still, left in jeopardy.
This needs widespread criminal investigations for the public interest..
for we the people will to be civilized.. Fair say all the way means
everyone wins.. I want only the best for my mother in a ward of
likewise care givers.. I think we can work together, and get
that done as soon as possible..
New in the Developing Case: of the Formal Complaint Against the
Named Nurses and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Science Center
Regarding, 'With RN Delaney again, insisting that I was not
facing reality.. That I should be just thankful for the
time I had with mom.. Jenny then began to revive..'
This after being put on 'end of life meds' to steal my mother's
life, without consultation.. Considering the day before she was
up and eating, and wanting to go home. Please, call the cops too.
In conjunction with the 22 of January where I was told Jenny
had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine
patch on her shoulder area..Apposing they did the wishes of
both Mother and son.
Everyday that goes by, while we wait for the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Manitoba to act correctly in the defense of my
innocent mother's Life, is another day she is still left in mortal
jeopardy.. These facts detail a need to have her immediately
moved out of the HCS's 'comfort ward' and to be into intensive
care where not needed treatments, are no longer administered..
Act now..
Formal Complaint Against the Named Nurses
and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Science Center
On the 21st of January, despite Jenny's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jenny, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..
On the 22 of January, I was told Jenny had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area..
To whom this concerns..
My name in John Kinal, the son of Jenny Kinal, currently held against our will at 4H at the Health Science Center.
My mother told the hospital upon admission, she did not want a nicotine patch, but two weeks in, when she's near a coma.. they appose her wishes and my own, giving her the POISONOUS nicotine, and she then has, a massive heart attack hours later..Then a week later, puts her on end of life medications.. To die of.. for sure for sure.. 100%.. every patient under such treatment DIES.. I fought to deny my mother had complete organ failure.. and over 20 hours in total, brought her back to life..From a position the hospital has decided to do nothing for.. because she was clinically dead..
"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "
Think of this.. They poison patients so they can't take a breath, then when the patient struggles to breath due the muscles not working, they only answer, must need more pure oxygen, or Hydromorphone ..Another quick death they believe they will escape criminal charges over..
When I learned they were giving my mother end of life medication, where only the day before she was at near the best she had been since arriving.. I demanded such madness stop immediately.. Of which two RNs on the floor argued with me for 30 minutes, to suggest I was being cruel to try such action. They argued I have not the right to deny death meds,and told I must speak to "Dr. T", of which I did.. Reminding her of all the witnesses to my mothers health, from the day before.. such as the physiotherapist.. sitting in bed, talking, and eating several yogurts, juice, and water.. She told she would then have the poising stopped... nd if the seriously unqualified RN Ms. Delaney, decided it at a
later time needed to continue, would have me called firstly, to get to the hospital to witness such need.. The next day, at approximately 6pm, Ms. Delanely called me to come and witness her condition, in need of death meds.. I get all the way to the distant HSC in approximately 7 minutes.. to witness her 'dead' in bed.. not breathing due the medication stopping the muscles of her lungs incapable of taking a breath..Ms. Delaney told me to stop talking to a corpse that can't hear, speak, or see.. All the fluids of her body had been removed due, what was likely an overdose of a diuretic.. her lips were near black. Ms. Delanely told I was not ever going to get a response talking to a body with
complete organ failure..She can't pee, so her body is clinically dead..I remained, and in approximately an hour, her lips move in response to water.. and slowly I brought her back to life.. Delaney never returned to the attempted murder scene for the rest of her time at shift.. No 'miracle' claimed, but for by the several aids who witnessed, in part the 'miracle'.
The evidence offered for fair public interest, tells Ms. Delany's plan was to tell she didn't give such medications as a lie.. Why? On video, of my mother recovering the assault states.. she can't take a breath (her lungs are poisoned on purpose, due the "medicine") it takes near 20 hours for the poison to be left absent her blood stream according to the videos..The medical record as quoted to me 24 hours later, when I'm leaving for home after resurrecting the dead.. I'm told indicates the last poisoning to stop muscle function occurred 24 hours prior..
I need a formal investigation, following probable cause to arrive at the fair conclusion of decisions made to steal my mother's life..
Contact me immediately on the fair actions already underway to gather the facts here,
To College of Nurses in Manitoba...
It is John Kinal reporting in on recent disturbing developments on the Jenny Kinal matter at Winnipeg's Health Science Center in 4H. As you may already be aware, hopefully, I struggled in a meeting with five professional individuals on Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016, to have Jenny Kinal taken off the hydromorophine, considering it appears as the primary cause for why it killed her, as according to RN Delaney, on February 3rd, 2016. They crazily, like unreasonable psychopaths on a mission of self destruction, argued against it.. claiming my reasoning they would at all costs refuse to tune into.. so mush so.. that Dr. Semus suggested, perhaps an alternative could be found to stop their
naked exposure to the light of being.. and would get on that, quickly, as they had done.. as it was achieved, the next day. Despite Jenny and myself stating, we do not want to be doped.. we want our bodies to heal without the confusion created by opiates, and poisons that mess with the muscles of our lungs to stop one from breathing.. But who cares truly for the health as well being of person or persons truly, for they appear insisting, Jenny's life is not the concern here.. The concern is not allowing her to live, free of the lie, that she still has, "multiple organ failure" going on three weeks..pigging out.. (she wants yogurt, egg salad, salmon, blue berries, and some kind of specialty
stews..) , Instead of facing the mistake, they've chosen still, to steal her life.. Her life loved by me.. As it has turned out however, the new opiate concoction administered by patch, exposed the reality, with the turn around.. That NO PAIN Jenny had, or has through the transformation to getting well.. But get this my learned friends.. prepare yourself.. Friday morning, February 27 2016.. Vanessa, head of all nurses for the Health Science Center, ward 4H and beyond, at approximately 9:14 am, informed me, that Jenny yelled through out the night.. I spoke to state, that even so, the quantification she was making is still unknown.. See, it could mean, her screaming is a good thing..
because, now she can breath.. Then she said, challenging my great wisdom of all ages, she had been screaming, "help me".. I asked Vanessa firstly, "was she then sedated", she responded, "no, she wasn't." I then said, "so this is then in the official report? She said "yes..". "Oh", I said.. "I arrived here at approximately 6:18 am, and was approached by the night Nurse responsible for Jenny, knowing her well, over this life and death struggle.. and she's stated that Jenny was exceptional through the night.. rested comfortably.. as showing a good sign for progress." I then looked over to my left, and there she was.. six feet away, not gone home yet.. I stated, "Hi.. ..did you hear Jenny
scream, 'help me, help me', through the night?" She only looked briefly in terror at the face of Vanessa, then turned quickly, without a word.. and took off out of there.. Oh oh.. This is very serious.. potentially deadly if you asked me to speak in all candor, knowing what I know.. as true, holds some jeopardy to the night Nurse's true professionalism for starters, as Vanessa is her blindly foolish superior .. Why so certain? I don't have to tell you, as the College of Registered Nurses here in Manitoba, but for those not familiar reading here. See.. That would mean, Vanessa has committed a crime, and should in all fairness, though PUBLIC fair trial, be challenged to lose her license for a
lifetime.. and.. we most definitely need to call the cops about the attempted murder no doubt.. As I've stated since this madness of contempt for thousands of innocent lives started, by irrational constructs, of those who mostly only deceive themselves when Johnny enters the scene .. Do not now, in addition to holding Jenny's life in contempt, do so also, to the other wonderful woman who has done no harm alleged to anyone, being curtious, kind, and all around.. a really sweet gal.. I immediately explained this true horror occurring in real time to Dr. Semus, of which Vanessa, only feet away to hear me explain.. took the stage.. Time is pressing.. and this story is far from over.. though
when telling of her twisting to tale a fib so ridiculous, Dr. Semus walked away while she was speaking... In short form, she claimed she spoke not of 'through the night', but of 'through the evening'.. defining such a term as between 3pm and 5:30 pm.. trouble is, I was there with Jenny through out near that entire frame.. as was the tricky Dr. Colister.. and three others from Palliative care.. No.. four.. I left at approximately, 5:12pm that day.. I kid not.. my life is bared to witness. So, of course.. I then expressed THE ONLY RIGHT I have in demanding the report of my mother's treatment from starting on this allegation against a honorable nurse to finish including the critical incident
summaries of her death on February 3rd.. And in short form, Dr. Semus, responded, he had no knowledge of February 3rd, 2016.. Despite, Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016 (Many Doctors lead busy busy lives I suppose..) WOW.. that means.. well.. you as the professionals should know without me telling.. I will my mother to be moved from 4H at our earliest convenience, and especially, not given opiates mixed with poisons to further steal her precious innocent life.. She does not deserve this.. nor should anyone else, ever again.. We need a public action to remedy this for the better good of everyone..With the newspaper or without..Thousands here in Winnipeg have fallen victim to die forsaken,
according to my discussions with one Provincial investigator's aid. That of which, we together, don't yet, have the manpower, or the jurisdiction.. the Police do though, as lead by experienced practitioners.. I will to assist in any way possible to get to the core of what is important here.. My mother.. Let's let science prevail in determining what serves our healths best how about my friends?
Addendum : when I stated that it could be a positive thing that Jenny can now freely breath instead of being suffocated, I also stated, that she is for this day, eating more than she has since entering the hospital.. a container of blue berries, three yogurts, egg salad.. Vanessa immediately responded, by stating "I don't know that." See? No care for Jenny's well being..
Love John.
or Johnny..
or whatever..
let's do this..
..selling of a process she is 'aware of' has been committed to blindly lashing already though for furthering without a stitch of fact, as planned before hand - but.. I'll blab blab..
Jenny Kinal was admitted into the Health Science Center January 7th 8:41am
On the 21st of January, despite Jenny's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jenny, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..
On the 22 of January, I was told Jenny had a heat attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area.. I removed it, and told the doctor, being scientifically reasonable, she clearly was in no need of such poison.. considering her health issues.. and she apposed such poison from the day she entered.. and from that moment on.. it would not be continued..
Risk of acute first myocardial infarction and use of nicotine patches .
IT'S POISON... Hello... "harmless" .... you can't be serious when free men and women talk scientifically... and it's not burning with the additional many other ingredients people crave.. not as the deadly poison in it's purest stage. Besides, she had kicked the habit. Criminal negligence. Perhaps attempted murder as regular fair.
On Feb 1st Mom is near the best she's been since arriving.. sitting up on the bed, eating yogurts, drinking water and juices.. and with the physiotherapist, was talking with me on how the plan is to bring about a hopeful position where she can walk across the room eventually.. hopefully soon..
On February 2nd, upon witnessing my mother unresponsive to all stimuli, and witnessing a intravenous drip containing a concoction she had not received prior.. and given to her without me told of such a change.. discovered they were injecting her with an 'end of life' morphine derivative.. that stops humans from breathing..
I called RN Delaney to stop this action immediately.. She apposed, claiming such actions would be cruel for at least ten minutes..defeating her irrational position I did effectively, she sided to go get her fellow senior RN to argue with me in the hallway, that again, such action would be cruel, in not allowing her to die comfortably.. I would therefore need to speak to the head physician Dr. T.. Of who I reminded the recorded history of Jenny, just the day before.. under no pain or duress in breathing.. and with plenty of witnesses to attest.. She finally capitulated to intelligent discourse, and sided such poisoning would be halted.. but if it needed to be re-introduced, I would be called
before hand.. to witness a distress that would call for such poison.. I stayed with mom who remained near powerless to breath...
"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "
Of which they told me, this poison will restrict Jenny's breathing, but too as an opiate, she'll feel great in this ending of her life by serious criminal negligence.
On February 3rd, at 6 pm, I was phoned by RN Delaney.. and needed to come to the hospital to okay the death meds.. Conveniently, I arrived at the hospital in approximately 7 minutes to find her, in all appearances to be dead... All the water had been drained from her face, in what appeared to be a huge overdose of a diuretic.. (Urine tests that were expected to never
happen with the 'deceased' would confirm this..) As I spoke to Jenny, RX Delaney continued to insist I not do such a thing.. Jenny had complete organ failure, and can not hear, speak, or see.. As claimed, how she died was kidney failure to process urine.. and so all the poisons overtook her will to live.. so stop talking to the clinically dead.. WITH WITNESSES.. But no..
I know better.. and over the course of approximately an hour and a half.. With Delaney again, insisting that I was not facing reality.. That I should be just thankful for the time I had with mom.. she started to revive.. upon then.. RN Delaney did not say, "..a miracle!" No she left the room, to never return for more than 24 hours, plus.. She did not come back to work the next day, nor did Dr. T approach her workstation.. Nor did any Doctor visit any
other patient in the room as I recall thinking back.. Seeking a defense of plausible deniability, means they have to still insist, Mom's in a death coma..
As time permits, I will improve upon this outline... I would appreciate the quickest response feasible, to inform me on further processes, to move towards defending my mother's life hanging on, held in jeopardy by those that deny my mother's wishes, and my own to be scientific on how these medicines are administered.. Not as quoted in the audio, at regular intervals without measure..
Again, please phone me to co-operate in any respect of resolving this crisis, sooner than too much later.. Thanks before hand for being a professional about this matter..
BAD NEWS... the Provincial investigator responsible has near zero interest, due her case load of 10,000 "similar" complaints.. and she's going on vacation too. Will the case be forwarded to someone else? no.. despite the Law she is responsible for enforcing through the provincial government, is to protect patients falling in real time as crime victims.. Look.. say people
don't care to believe me... but no one else either? There is something so seriously wrong here..
Here is a partial list of those contacted today with this post...
***, ***, ***,***,*** <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <RT-***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <AnneMinh-***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,***
"Ben Swann" <***>, ***, ***, "Complaint Inquiry" <***>, "***" <***>, ***, ***, "davidicke" <***>, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, "JohNNy SiZZle" <***>, "Karl Delgadillo" <***>, ***, ***, "Lena Hunt" <***>,
***, ***, ***, "Managing Editor" <***>, "Mark Hamm" <***>, "Mark Neace" <***>, ***, ***, "NELLY GONZALEZ" <***>, ***, ***, ***, "***" <***>, ***, ***, ***, ***, ***, RT-***, "Sarah Fenn" <***>, "Steve Lambert" <***>, ***, "Tim Runtz" <***>, ***, ***, ***
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <RT-***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <AnneMinh-***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,
<***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>, <***>,***,***
If you don't see you favorite media personality there..
forward this post to them if you would.. Again, it's about
many thousands of Winnipeg victims falling due the
Winnipeg media's failure to hold ourselves to account..
--- news:// - complaints: *** ---