Muslims Have Always Persecuted Christians
(too old to reply)
2007-02-02 06:36:49 UTC
Muslims Have Always Persecuted Christians
Islam vs. Christianity: http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-kills.htm
"Islam is a religion in which God requires you to send your son to die for
"Christianity is a faith in which God sent his Son to die for you."

Islam: Truth or Myth? start page

Lee Malvo, Muslim motivated terrorist! Truth the left wing media never
tells you!

Left: Artwork drawn by Lee Malvo, the terrorist sniper in his jail

Picture of Osama Bin Laden.

Words above head: "Servant of Allah"

Words below head: "Osama Bin Laden The battle array"

(Click image at left to see full size)

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'

The Pact of Umar (c. 717 AD) is an important historical document. It sets
the legal foundation for the way Muslims persecute Christians right down to
the present time. It also establishes them as second class "dhimmis". in all
matters of life in Muslim countries.

Islamic Law, known as "Shariah" The historical pattern of Islam shows us
that when a nation gains a sufficiently large Muslim population, they will
begin to agitate for Shariah to be implemented. Shariah is the primary
source of persecution for Christians in Muslim dominated states.

Did Muhammad plant the seeds of Terrorism in Islam?

Biblical and Modern History of Iraq. Saddam Hussein is a terrorist whose
country has a long history of being associated with evil.

Myth of Muslim toleration Don't be fooled by the "tolerant" face of Muslims
you meet in the Western world today. Islam has historically developed in
four stages: 1. Evangelism. 2. Consolidation of power. 3. Revolution 4.
Islamic State. Muslims would love to see Canada and the USA become Islamic
states but are only at stage one: Evangelism! Islam has not changed its
methods since Muhammad 1400 years ago. Muslims are tolerant, when they are
powerless, but this veneer of toleration evaporates when an Islamic state is

The Islamic Death Threats! Whether Salman Rushdie or Jerry Falwell, the
religion of Islam was designed by Muhammad to kill those who criticize it.

Oxymoron: Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen? Why
Islam should be cautiously trusted in the Western world.

Islam Does Not Mean Peace. The Qur'an says: "Fight and slay the pagans
[Christians] wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in
wait for them in every place of ambush" (Surah 9:5) "The term Islam in the
lexicon of the Arabs means 'Submission' to God." (Islam, Beliefs And
Observances, Caesar E. Farah, p2-7, 26-35)


Current news stories about Muslims persecuting Christians. Muslims
living in the Western world will tell you they have reformed their evil ways
when they left their home country. But they do not actively lobbying for
change in the Islamic controlled countries in which they were born.

The Battle Cry of the Qur'an Muslims in the west who deny Islam is a
militant religion at its core, are denying the original message of Muhammad
and his Koran.

The Truth about Jihad Holy War or Holy Struggle? What is the record of
history and what does the Qur'an actually say? Evangelistic activity by
Christians is considered aggression against Muslims and Islam and in Islamic
states it is illegal!

Many Muslims rejoiced when terrorists struck New York City on
September 11, 2001. A disturbingly large number of Muslims rejoiced at the
news of 9/11. Men handing out free food and making the victory sign, women
dancing and howling, children laughing, while the west angrily watched them
in horrified disbelief.

The two Islams: The peaceful Islam of the west, George Bush talked about and
the militant Islam in the developing world.

Muslim School children in Toronto Canada are taught, "Lessons in Hate".
The mass-produced connect-the-dot drawings, apparently used for a colouring
exercise, depict a shark-toothed Israeli jet festooned with the Star of
David carpet-bombing a Palestinian village. Accompanying Arabic captions
read "Allah is great over Israel" and "Our schools, buildings and gardens
are being destroyed:" more

Origins and beliefs of The Nation of Islam. Most Muslims agree with
Christians it is an ugly, racist black eye for Islam. This organization is
on the extreme fringe is Islam and advocates that the Negro race is the
supreme race. A kind of reverse twist on the Nazi white supremacist movement
or the Klu Klux Clan. Louis Farrakhan is the current head.

http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-kills.htm Written by Brother Andrew
2007-02-03 21:38:00 UTC
Muslims Have Always Persecuted Christians
Islam vs. Christianity: http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-kills.htm
"Islam is a religion in which God requires you to send your son to die for
"Christianity is a faith in which God sent his Son to die for you."
Islam: Truth or Myth? start page
You've got it the wrong way around you twit! What about the bloody Crusades?
Who was persecuting whom then?
2007-02-12 04:02:32 UTC
The Muslims were trying to steal the Holy sites in Jerusalem. So the Muslims
started the Crusades, not the Christians moron.
Post by nemo
Muslims Have Always Persecuted Christians
Islam vs. Christianity: http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-kills.htm
"Islam is a religion in which God requires you to send your son to die
"Christianity is a faith in which God sent his Son to die for you."
Islam: Truth or Myth? start page
You've got it the wrong way around you twit! What about the bloody Crusades?
Who was persecuting whom then?
2007-02-11 04:23:44 UTC
Muslims Have Always Persecuted Christians
Islam vs. Christianity: http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-kills.htm
"Islam is a religion in which God requires you to send your son to die
for him."
"Christianity is a faith in which God sent his Son to die for you."
Islam: Truth or Myth? start page
Lee Malvo, Muslim motivated terrorist! Truth the left wing media never
tells you!
Left: Artwork drawn by Lee Malvo, the terrorist sniper in his jail
Picture of Osama Bin Laden.
Words above head: "Servant of Allah"
Words below head: "Osama Bin Laden The battle array"
(Click image at left to see full size)
http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-kills.htm Written by Brother Andrew
Just another world view based on fear, why not try something else. Nemo's
right - what about the crusaders?
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