The Real Racists Are Jews
(too old to reply)
Meldon Fens
2008-04-05 00:06:55 UTC
Charles Murray on Genetic Genius.

"...A randomly selected Jew has a higher probability of possessing that
level of intelligence than a randomly selected member of any other ethnic or
national group, by far...."

There is still time to prevent another jewish holocaust.
Help Meldon fight the WAR.

2008-04-05 14:25:58 UTC
It is said that the Jews, at least the Ashkenazi Jews, have a
higher average IQ than Whites, at least Whites as loosely defined
by the designers of the IQ tests. [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihhe> ]
According to Professor Richard Lynn, writing in Personality and
Individual Differences on April 2d, 2003, the average verbal IQ
of American Jews is about 108, which, some people argue, might
explain the disproportionate number of Jews in certain positions.
[ <http://tinyurl.com/ihif> ] For example, although Jews are only
about 2 to 3% of the U.S. population, they constitute 23% of the
wealthiest Americans, 30% of the faculty at "elite" universities,
11% of Nobel Physics prizes, 60% of Yale graduate students, 60%
of "top Hollywood positions" (according to 60 Minutes), and 76%
of "most influential intellectuals" (according to Alan

It's in verbal IQ-not mathematical or visuospatial ability --
that Jews excel, and, when you consider that the fast-talking,
quick-thinking sharpster or con man is almost a Jewish
stereotype, then common experience confirms the data. [
<http://tinyurl.com/ihje> ] This would mean that the Jewish
advantage would show itself mainly in areas like law, politics,
journalism, media, advertising, public relations, and other
fields in which verbal skills, persuasion, word-weaving, or
illusion-weaving are especially valuable. And that's what the
statistics indicate. Though Jews are overrepresented in physics
and math, they are far more overrepresented in Hollywood and law.
This is another case where our day-to-day experience perfectly
matches the science, and is essentially undeniable.

According to Professor Lynn, in the article cited above, we would
expect that the Jewish population would produce highly
intelligent individuals, with an IQ over 130, at a rate four
times higher than that of Whites. Even if we put the Jewish
percentage at 3% of the total population, that would mean that we
would expect that Jews would constitute some 12% of
high-achievers in the United States. But that isn't the case,
especially in areas well-known to be dominated by Jews. Instead
we see them at 76% of "influential intellectuals," 60% of
Hollywood executives, and 30% of "elite" college faculty. Why
this wild overrepresentation, far beyond what we'd expect based
on the IQ scores? [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihk2> ] Some have argued
that Jewish families are far more concerned than White families
about the academic and professional success of their offspring,
and concentrate far more of their time and energy and money on
making sure that their children succeed in school and go on to
the best careers possible. Others point out that Jews have a far
higher degree of group consciousness-of racial identity --
than Whites, and that this intense ethnic identity makes Jews
willing and eager to put their group interests above other
interests, even individual economic interests. Thus Jews are more
willing to help their fellow Jews because they are Jews (which
experience tells us they do in so many different ways that it
boggles the mind) than Whites are willing to help their fellow
Whites because they are Whites (which happens far too seldom, and
which is socially unacceptable anyway-even illegal-in the
insane social and "moral" system which crafty Jews and decadent
Whites have imposed on us). So Jews will preferentially hire
other Jews; Jews will openly organize themselves to advance
Jewish interests; Jews will portray Jews as sympathetic
characters in their entertainment media; Jews will show Jewish
interests as morally right in their news media; and, most
importantly in my view, Jews will demonize any who oppose Jewish
interests or who promote White interests. All of these things
have an effect on the Jewish success rate in various fields, and
the last mentioned has a profound effect in making many Gentiles,
many Whites, act to promote Jewish success and Jewish interests
and also makes them, in many cases, act against their own
individual interests and their own racial interests. In fact,
Jewish influence has been paramount in constructing the 'liberal'
moral paradigm of the 20th century, which in effect says that
acting in the interest of White people and doing anything which
tends to support our continued existence in the world-whether
opposing racial mixing or working for an exclusive living space
for Whites-is "racism" and of course "racism" is the ultimate
in evil according to this Jewish-created "morality...

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

2008-04-05 14:39:24 UTC
Post by Topaz
It is said that the Jews, at least the Ashkenazi Jews, have a
higher average IQ than Whites, at least Whites as loosely defined
by the designers of the IQ tests. [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihhe> ]
According to Professor Richard Lynn, writing in Personality and
Individual Differences on April 2d, 2003, the average verbal IQ
of American Jews is about 108, which, some people argue, might
explain the disproportionate number of Jews in certain positions.
[ <http://tinyurl.com/ihif> ] For example, although Jews are only
about 2 to 3% of the U.S. population, they constitute 23% of the
wealthiest Americans, 30% of the faculty at "elite" universities,
11% of Nobel Physics prizes, 60% of Yale graduate students, 60%
of "top Hollywood positions" (according to 60 Minutes), and 76%
of "most influential intellectuals" (according to Alan
It's in verbal IQ-not mathematical or visuospatial ability --
that Jews excel, and, when you consider that the fast-talking,
quick-thinking sharpster or con man is almost a Jewish
stereotype, then common experience confirms the data. [
<http://tinyurl.com/ihje> ] This would mean that the Jewish
advantage would show itself mainly in areas like law, politics,
journalism, media, advertising, public relations, and other
fields in which verbal skills, persuasion, word-weaving, or
illusion-weaving are especially valuable. And that's what the
statistics indicate. Though Jews are overrepresented in physics
and math, they are far more overrepresented in Hollywood and law.
This is another case where our day-to-day experience perfectly
matches the science, and is essentially undeniable.
According to Professor Lynn, in the article cited above, we would
expect that the Jewish population would produce highly
intelligent individuals, with an IQ over 130, at a rate four
times higher than that of Whites. Even if we put the Jewish
percentage at 3% of the total population, that would mean that we
would expect that Jews would constitute some 12% of
high-achievers in the United States. But that isn't the case,
especially in areas well-known to be dominated by Jews. Instead
we see them at 76% of "influential intellectuals," 60% of
Hollywood executives, and 30% of "elite" college faculty. Why
this wild overrepresentation, far beyond what we'd expect based
on the IQ scores? [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihk2> ] Some have argued
that Jewish families are far more concerned than White families
about the academic and professional success of their offspring,
and concentrate far more of their time and energy and money on
making sure that their children succeed in school and go on to
the best careers possible. Others point out that Jews have a far
higher degree of group consciousness-of racial identity --
than Whites, and that this intense ethnic identity makes Jews
willing and eager to put their group interests above other
interests, even individual economic interests. Thus Jews are more
willing to help their fellow Jews because they are Jews (which
experience tells us they do in so many different ways that it
boggles the mind) than Whites are willing to help their fellow
Whites because they are Whites (which happens far too seldom, and
which is socially unacceptable anyway-even illegal-in the
insane social and "moral" system which crafty Jews and decadent
Whites have imposed on us). So Jews will preferentially hire
other Jews; Jews will openly organize themselves to advance
Jewish interests; Jews will portray Jews as sympathetic
characters in their entertainment media; Jews will show Jewish
interests as morally right in their news media; and, most
importantly in my view, Jews will demonize any who oppose Jewish
interests or who promote White interests. All of these things
have an effect on the Jewish success rate in various fields, and
the last mentioned has a profound effect in making many Gentiles,
many Whites, act to promote Jewish success and Jewish interests
and also makes them, in many cases, act against their own
individual interests and their own racial interests. In fact,
Jewish influence has been paramount in constructing the 'liberal'
moral paradigm of the 20th century, which in effect says that
acting in the interest of White people and doing anything which
tends to support our continued existence in the world-whether
opposing racial mixing or working for an exclusive living space
for Whites-is "racism" and of course "racism" is the ultimate
in evil according to this Jewish-created "morality...
http://www.ihr.org/     http://www.natvan.com
http://www.thebirdman.org   http://www.nsm88.com/
The Jews paid for their actions once in History.....

And if they dont change their ways....and I dont think they will...

they will pay for it again.

But this time...it will be complete.

With high technology today...we can track down every one....anywhere
in the world.

No escape.

Paybacks for evil are a bitch.

Meldon Fens
2008-04-05 17:06:34 UTC
Post by Topaz
It is said that the Jews, at least the Ashkenazi Jews, have a
higher average IQ than Whites, at least Whites as loosely defined
by the designers of the IQ tests. [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihhe> ]
According to Professor Richard Lynn, writing in Personality and
Individual Differences on April 2d, 2003, the average verbal IQ
of American Jews is about 108, which, some people argue, might
explain the disproportionate number of Jews in certain positions.
[ <http://tinyurl.com/ihif> ] For example, although Jews are only
about 2 to 3% of the U.S. population, they constitute 23% of the
wealthiest Americans, 30% of the faculty at "elite" universities,
11% of Nobel Physics prizes, 60% of Yale graduate students, 60%
of "top Hollywood positions" (according to 60 Minutes), and 76%
of "most influential intellectuals" (according to Alan
It's in verbal IQ-not mathematical or visuospatial ability --
that Jews excel, and, when you consider that the fast-talking,
quick-thinking sharpster or con man is almost a Jewish
stereotype, then common experience confirms the data. [
<http://tinyurl.com/ihje> ] This would mean that the Jewish
advantage would show itself mainly in areas like law, politics,
journalism, media, advertising, public relations, and other
fields in which verbal skills, persuasion, word-weaving, or
illusion-weaving are especially valuable. And that's what the
statistics indicate. Though Jews are overrepresented in physics
and math, they are far more overrepresented in Hollywood and law.
This is another case where our day-to-day experience perfectly
matches the science, and is essentially undeniable.
According to Professor Lynn, in the article cited above, we would
expect that the Jewish population would produce highly
intelligent individuals, with an IQ over 130, at a rate four
times higher than that of Whites. Even if we put the Jewish
percentage at 3% of the total population, that would mean that we
would expect that Jews would constitute some 12% of
high-achievers in the United States. But that isn't the case,
especially in areas well-known to be dominated by Jews. Instead
we see them at 76% of "influential intellectuals," 60% of
Hollywood executives, and 30% of "elite" college faculty. Why
this wild overrepresentation, far beyond what we'd expect based
on the IQ scores? [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihk2> ] Some have argued
that Jewish families are far more concerned than White families
about the academic and professional success of their offspring,
and concentrate far more of their time and energy and money on
making sure that their children succeed in school and go on to
the best careers possible. Others point out that Jews have a far
higher degree of group consciousness-of racial identity --
than Whites, and that this intense ethnic identity makes Jews
willing and eager to put their group interests above other
interests, even individual economic interests. Thus Jews are more
willing to help their fellow Jews because they are Jews (which
experience tells us they do in so many different ways that it
boggles the mind) than Whites are willing to help their fellow
Whites because they are Whites (which happens far too seldom, and
which is socially unacceptable anyway-even illegal-in the
insane social and "moral" system which crafty Jews and decadent
Whites have imposed on us). So Jews will preferentially hire
other Jews; Jews will openly organize themselves to advance
Jewish interests; Jews will portray Jews as sympathetic
characters in their entertainment media; Jews will show Jewish
interests as morally right in their news media; and, most
importantly in my view, Jews will demonize any who oppose Jewish
interests or who promote White interests. All of these things
have an effect on the Jewish success rate in various fields, and
the last mentioned has a profound effect in making many Gentiles,
many Whites, act to promote Jewish success and Jewish interests
and also makes them, in many cases, act against their own
individual interests and their own racial interests. In fact,
Jewish influence has been paramount in constructing the 'liberal'
moral paradigm of the 20th century, which in effect says that
acting in the interest of White people and doing anything which
tends to support our continued existence in the world-whether
opposing racial mixing or working for an exclusive living space
for Whites-is "racism" and of course "racism" is the ultimate
in evil according to this Jewish-created "morality...
http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com
http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/
The Jews paid for their actions once in History.....

And if they dont change their ways....and I dont think they will...

they will pay for it again.

But this time...it will be complete.

With high technology today...we can track down every one....anywhere
in the world.

No escape.

Paybacks for evil are a bitch.


I highly doubt that scenario is possible as "who" will be performing the
tracking and determining? You think you can get independant DNA testing
performed without a jew being involved and what makes you think jews would
ever allow their DNA to be taken by someone other than a jew?
There is still time to prevent another jewish holocaust.
Help Meldon fight the WAR.

Greg Carr
2008-04-06 08:10:09 UTC
On Sat, 5 Apr 2008 07:39:24 -0700 (PDT), Rightwinghank
Post by Topaz
Post by Topaz
It is said that the Jews, at least the Ashkenazi Jews, have a
higher average IQ than Whites
Actually most Jews are Caucasians.

,> at least Whites as loosely defined
Post by Topaz
Post by Topaz
by the designers of the IQ tests. [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihhe> ]
According to Professor Richard Lynn, writing in Personality and
Individual Differences on April 2d, 2003, the average verbal IQ
of American Jews is about 108, which, some people argue, might
explain the disproportionate number of Jews in certain positions.
[ <http://tinyurl.com/ihif> ] For example, although Jews are only
about 2 to 3% of the U.S. population, they constitute 23% of the
wealthiest Americans, 30% of the faculty at "elite" universities,
11% of Nobel Physics prizes
Physics is a mathematical science. Did you even graduate middle
Post by Topaz
, 60% of Yale graduate students, 60%
Post by Topaz
of "top Hollywood positions" (according to 60 Minutes), and 76%
of "most influential intellectuals" (according to Alan
It's in verbal IQ-not mathematical or visuospatial ability --
that Jews excel, and, when you consider that the fast-talking,
quick-thinking sharpster or con man is almost a Jewish
stereotype, then common experience confirms the data. [
<http://tinyurl.com/ihje> ]
The last thieves I dealt with of a con man nature were a Caucasian
male and a chinese male at the Hazelwood Hotel in Vancouver.
Post by Topaz
This would mean that the Jewish
Post by Topaz
advantage would show itself mainly in areas like law, politics,
journalism, media, advertising, public relations, and other
fields in which verbal skills, persuasion, word-weaving, or
illusion-weaving are especially valuable. And that's what the
statistics indicate. Though Jews are overrepresented in physics
and math, they are far more overrepresented in Hollywood and law.
In other words they are smarter in everything than you are.
Post by Topaz
Post by Topaz
This is another case where our day-to-day experience perfectly
matches the science, and is essentially undeniable.
According to Professor Lynn, in the article cited above, we would
expect that the Jewish population would produce highly
intelligent individuals, with an IQ over 130, at a rate four
times higher than that of Whites. Even if we put the Jewish
percentage at 3% of the total population, that would mean that we
would expect that Jews would constitute some 12% of
high-achievers in the United States. But that isn't the case,
especially in areas well-known to be dominated by Jews. Instead
we see them at 76% of "influential intellectuals," 60% of
Hollywood executives, and 30% of "elite" college faculty. Why
this wild overrepresentation, far beyond what we'd expect based
on the IQ scores? [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihk2> ] Some have argued
that Jewish families are far more concerned than White families
about the academic and professional success of their offspring,
and concentrate far more of their time and energy and money on
making sure that their children succeed in school and go on to
the best careers possible. Others point out that Jews have a far
higher degree of group consciousness-of racial identity --
than Whites, and that this intense ethnic identity makes Jews
willing and eager to put their group interests above other
interests, even individual economic interests. Thus Jews are more
willing to help their fellow Jews because they are Jews (which
experience tells us they do in so many different ways that it
boggles the mind) than Whites are willing to help their fellow
Whites because they are Whites (which happens far too seldom, and
which is socially unacceptable anyway-even illegal-in the
insane social and "moral" system which crafty Jews and decadent
Whites have imposed on us). So Jews will preferentially hire
other Jews; Jews will openly organize themselves to advance
Jewish interests; Jews will portray Jews as sympathetic
characters in their entertainment media; Jews will show Jewish
interests as morally right in their news media; and, most
importantly in my view, Jews will demonize any who oppose Jewish
interests or who promote White interests. All of these things
have an effect on the Jewish success rate in various fields, and
the last mentioned has a profound effect in making many Gentiles,
many Whites, act to promote Jewish success and Jewish interests
and also makes them, in many cases, act against their own
individual interests and their own racial interests. In fact,
Jewish influence has been paramount in constructing the 'liberal'
moral paradigm of the 20th century, which in effect says that
acting in the interest of White people and doing anything which
tends to support our continued existence in the world-whether
opposing racial mixing or working for an exclusive living space
for Whites-is "racism" and of course "racism" is the ultimate
in evil according to this Jewish-created "morality...
Kill-filed. Off-topic posting. By the way your grand parents were all
Post by Topaz
Post by Topaz
http://www.ihr.org/     http://www.natvan.com
http://www.thebirdman.org   http://www.nsm88.com/
The Jews paid for their actions once in History.....
And if they dont change their ways....and I dont think they will...
they will pay for it again.
But this time...it will be complete.
With high technology today...we can track down every one....anywhere
in the world.
No escape.
Paybacks for evil are a bitch.
We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.

Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...

Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?

Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur.http://www.amnesty.ca/instantkarma/petition.php

Good luck to anyone trying to learn Hebrew. I am looking for a Hebrew-Gregorian calendar in both Hebrew and English lettering.

I am looking for my missing automobile. Left in the care of Low's Tire (Firestone) on King George Hwy which has since gone out of business. A man who claimed to be a tow truck driver named Jerry (sounded Black) called me and said he had it
but when I called him back he denied it. JVD-968 "89 Plymouth Reliant white with red interior. Devellis in lettering on the rear trunk. Contact me by email or the GRC if you are one of those ppl. Am looking for the address of Dave Reynolds and any info about him. He used to run Low's Tires and since he refuses to answer his email ***@telus.net I can only assume he is the person who stole my vehicle and the contents in it. I have talked to the new owners and they claim to know nothing.

I am also looking for various books and CD's that I have discovered missing. All are marked Greg Carr on the inside cover or somewhere in the CD booklet. $5 reward for each CD and for each book. Will pay $200 for info regarding how they disappeared because I honestky don't know.
2008-04-06 22:30:06 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Actually most Jews are Caucasians.
Jews are an ethnic group. They are not just a religion. If a Jew
becomes a Christian or an atheist he still says he is a Jew. Most of
the Jews in the Jew country are atheist. They say that a Jew is anyone
that has a Jewish mother. Therefore it is a hereditary thing.

We are for having a nation of White people. Jews would be White enough
to join us if it weren't for other important factors. One factor is
that they don't want our race to live. They want to be the only
Caucasians to survive on the earth.

The Jews have their own Jew country, but they demand multi-culture and
pluralism for us. Their leaders agree with something Hitler wrote:

"A State which, in an epoch of racial adulteration, devotes itself to
the duty of preserving the best elements of its racial stock must one
day become ruler of the Earth."

Jews are enemies of White civilization. Here are some quotes
from a very pro-Jewish book that was first published in 1925. The book
is "Stranger than Fiction" by Lewis Browne.

"But save for such exceptions, the Jews who led or participated
in the heroic efforts to remold the world of the last century, were
neither Reform or Orthodox. Indeed, they were often not professing
Jews at all.
"For instance, there was Heinrich Heine and Ludwig Borne, both
unfaltering champions of freedom. And even more conspicuously, there
was Karl Marx, one of the great prophetic geniuses of modern times.
"Jewish historians rarely mention the name of this man, Karl
Marx, though in his life and spirit he was far truer to the mission of
Israel than most of those who were forever talking of it. He was born
in Germany in 1818, and belonged to an old rabbinic family. He was not
himself reared as a Jew, however, but while still a child was baptized
a Christian by his father. Yet the rebel soul of the Jew flamed in him
throughout his days, for he was always a 'troubler' in Europe."

"Then, of course, there are Ludwig Borne and Heinrich Heine, two
men who by their merciless wit and sarcasm became leaders among the
revolutionary writers. Karl Marx, Ferdinand Lassalle, Johann Jacoby,
Gabriel Riesser, Adolphe Cremieux, Signora Nathan- all these of Jewish
lineage played important roles in the struggle that went throughout
Europe in this period. Wherever the war for human liberty was being
waged, whether in France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, or Italy, there
the Jew was to be found. It was little wonder that the enemies of
social progress, the monarchists and the Churchmen, came to speak of
the whole liberal movement as nothing but a Jewish plot."

"The Jews had become the money lenders of Europe for quite
evident reasons. The Church sternly forbade all Christians to engage
in the pursuit...
"So the Jews became the money lenders of Europe. They developed
a great shrewdness and cunning in the one and only field of
opportunity left open to them. And with their shrewdness and cunning
they developed a certain cruelty and greed. That was natural. The
world was cruel to them, so when the chance was theirs, they were
cruel in return..."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/


Meldon Fens
2008-04-05 17:03:55 UTC
Post by Topaz
It is said that the Jews, at least the Ashkenazi Jews, have a
higher average IQ than Whites, at least Whites as loosely defined
by the designers of the IQ tests. [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihhe> ]
According to Professor Richard Lynn, writing in Personality and
Individual Differences on April 2d, 2003, the average verbal IQ
of American Jews is about 108, which, some people argue, might
explain the disproportionate number of Jews in certain positions.
[ <http://tinyurl.com/ihif> ] For example, although Jews are only
about 2 to 3% of the U.S. population, they constitute 23% of the
wealthiest Americans, 30% of the faculty at "elite" universities,
11% of Nobel Physics prizes, 60% of Yale graduate students, 60%
of "top Hollywood positions" (according to 60 Minutes), and 76%
of "most influential intellectuals" (according to Alan
It's in verbal IQ-not mathematical or visuospatial ability --
that Jews excel, and, when you consider that the fast-talking,
quick-thinking sharpster or con man is almost a Jewish
stereotype, then common experience confirms the data. [
<http://tinyurl.com/ihje> ] This would mean that the Jewish
advantage would show itself mainly in areas like law, politics,
journalism, media, advertising, public relations, and other
fields in which verbal skills, persuasion, word-weaving, or
illusion-weaving are especially valuable. And that's what the
statistics indicate. Though Jews are overrepresented in physics
and math, they are far more overrepresented in Hollywood and law.
This is another case where our day-to-day experience perfectly
matches the science, and is essentially undeniable.
According to Professor Lynn, in the article cited above, we would
expect that the Jewish population would produce highly
intelligent individuals, with an IQ over 130, at a rate four
times higher than that of Whites. Even if we put the Jewish
percentage at 3% of the total population, that would mean that we
would expect that Jews would constitute some 12% of
high-achievers in the United States. But that isn't the case,
especially in areas well-known to be dominated by Jews. Instead
we see them at 76% of "influential intellectuals," 60% of
Hollywood executives, and 30% of "elite" college faculty. Why
this wild overrepresentation, far beyond what we'd expect based
on the IQ scores? [ <http://tinyurl.com/ihk2> ] Some have argued
that Jewish families are far more concerned than White families
about the academic and professional success of their offspring,
and concentrate far more of their time and energy and money on
making sure that their children succeed in school and go on to
the best careers possible. Others point out that Jews have a far
higher degree of group consciousness-of racial identity --
than Whites, and that this intense ethnic identity makes Jews
willing and eager to put their group interests above other
interests, even individual economic interests. Thus Jews are more
willing to help their fellow Jews because they are Jews (which
experience tells us they do in so many different ways that it
boggles the mind) than Whites are willing to help their fellow
Whites because they are Whites (which happens far too seldom, and
which is socially unacceptable anyway-even illegal-in the
insane social and "moral" system which crafty Jews and decadent
Whites have imposed on us). So Jews will preferentially hire
other Jews; Jews will openly organize themselves to advance
Jewish interests; Jews will portray Jews as sympathetic
characters in their entertainment media; Jews will show Jewish
interests as morally right in their news media; and, most
importantly in my view, Jews will demonize any who oppose Jewish
interests or who promote White interests. All of these things
have an effect on the Jewish success rate in various fields, and
the last mentioned has a profound effect in making many Gentiles,
many Whites, act to promote Jewish success and Jewish interests
and also makes them, in many cases, act against their own
individual interests and their own racial interests. In fact,
Jewish influence has been paramount in constructing the 'liberal'
moral paradigm of the 20th century, which in effect says that
acting in the interest of White people and doing anything which
tends to support our continued existence in the world-whether
opposing racial mixing or working for an exclusive living space
for Whites-is "racism" and of course "racism" is the ultimate
in evil according to this Jewish-created "morality...
http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com
http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/
One possible account for "over-representation" in entertainment, law,
academia, politics, medicine, and science may have less to do with IQ than
it has to do with fabricated population figures reported anywhere between 12
and 16 million worlwide. Not only is the discrepancy reason for suspicion
but the figure seems obviously low. Several reasons can account for the
numbers being too low to be real; all justified of course.
There is still time to prevent another jewish holocaust.
Help Meldon fight the WAR.

2008-04-06 14:45:43 UTC
Post by Meldon Fens
Charles Murray on Genetic Genius.
"...A randomly selected Jew has a higher probability of possessing that
level of intelligence than a randomly selected member of any other ethnic or
national group, by far...."
There is still time to prevent another jewish holocaust.
Help Meldon fight the WAR.
2008-04-06 15:03:08 UTC
On Apr 6, 10:45 am, "kb9rqz" <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
Continue reading on narkive: