2007-02-24 14:31:05 UTC
JESUS coming from god muhamad coming from orphan NOBODY LIKE HIM
The truth is rather ignoble. Muslim scholars know nothing about Muhammad's
birth, and very little about his childhood. They missed his birthday by
eighteen years when they claimed he was born in the year of the elephant,
recently dated to 552 A.D. But to make their prophet fit Qusayy's profile of
being forty when he staked his claim to the Ka'aba, Islamic historians claim
Muhammad was born in 570 - exactly forty years before the first
"revelation." Missing a date this important by eighteen years calls all of
Islam's oral testimony into question. By way of example, this did not occur:
Ishaq:70 "I heard a Jew calling out at the top of his voice from Yathrib, 'O
Jews, tonight has risen a star under which Ahmad is to be born.'"
Born fatherless, Muhammad's mother abandoned him, giving him up to be
suckled by a Bedouin woman. With his father dead and his mother poor, no
wet-nurse wanted the infant because the burden exceeded the potential
remuneration. Raising another's child in the inhospitable desert was done
for money, not love. The least qualified of the wet-nurses, we are told,
after failing to find a wealthy kid, reluctantly snatched the last available
newborn, the would-be prophet, and hauled him off into the wilderness. A
Hadith explains: Ishaq:70 "Halima went forth with her baby whom she was
nursing, with other women, in search of babies to nurse. She was destitute
and could not sleep because of the weeping of her hungry child. She had no
milk to give him." Halima was obviously in no position to suckle another
child. This was a disaster waiting to happen.
Ishaq:71 "When Halima reached Mecca, she set out to look for foster
children. The Apostle of Allah was offered to everyone of us, and each woman
refused him when she was told he was an orphan, because we hoped to get
payment from the child's father. We said, 'An orphan!' And we spurned him
because of that. Every woman who came with me got a suckling except me. And
when we decided to depart, I said, 'I do not like the idea of returning with
my friends without a suckling. I will take that orphan.' I took him for the
sole reason that I could not find anyone else." So much for the "light"
theory. Women were throwing themselves at Muhammad's dad to sire him, but no
one wanted to raise him. That doesn't make any sense.
What happened out there in the blowing sands and blistering heat is anybody's
guess. All we know is that a baby was abandoned by his mother and given to a
woman who was ill prepared to care for him. The only testimony that survives
is in the Qur'an - a haunting and recurring theme that suggests he may have
been abused. Allah's revelations speak of an orphan boy with wealthy
relatives being abandoned, treated poorly, and being shut out of the family
business - The Ka'aba Inc. Permutations of this theme permeate Allah's book,
compelling the Muslim sages to give this mess a prophetic twist.
Ibn Ishaq claims that when Muhammad was two, Halima brought him back to his
mother Aminah. Ishaq:72 "But she sent him back. Some months after his return
to the desert two men in white seized the boy, threw him down and opened up
his belly, stirring it up." We are told that Muhammad was "livid." "Halima
said, 'I am afraid that this child has had a stroke, so I want to take him
back before the result appears.' She carried him back to Aminah and said, 'I
am afraid that ill will befall him, so I have brought him back to you.' She
asked what had happened. I said, 'I fear that a demon has possessed him.'"
She was right.
The truth is rather ignoble. Muslim scholars know nothing about Muhammad's
birth, and very little about his childhood. They missed his birthday by
eighteen years when they claimed he was born in the year of the elephant,
recently dated to 552 A.D. But to make their prophet fit Qusayy's profile of
being forty when he staked his claim to the Ka'aba, Islamic historians claim
Muhammad was born in 570 - exactly forty years before the first
"revelation." Missing a date this important by eighteen years calls all of
Islam's oral testimony into question. By way of example, this did not occur:
Ishaq:70 "I heard a Jew calling out at the top of his voice from Yathrib, 'O
Jews, tonight has risen a star under which Ahmad is to be born.'"
Born fatherless, Muhammad's mother abandoned him, giving him up to be
suckled by a Bedouin woman. With his father dead and his mother poor, no
wet-nurse wanted the infant because the burden exceeded the potential
remuneration. Raising another's child in the inhospitable desert was done
for money, not love. The least qualified of the wet-nurses, we are told,
after failing to find a wealthy kid, reluctantly snatched the last available
newborn, the would-be prophet, and hauled him off into the wilderness. A
Hadith explains: Ishaq:70 "Halima went forth with her baby whom she was
nursing, with other women, in search of babies to nurse. She was destitute
and could not sleep because of the weeping of her hungry child. She had no
milk to give him." Halima was obviously in no position to suckle another
child. This was a disaster waiting to happen.
Ishaq:71 "When Halima reached Mecca, she set out to look for foster
children. The Apostle of Allah was offered to everyone of us, and each woman
refused him when she was told he was an orphan, because we hoped to get
payment from the child's father. We said, 'An orphan!' And we spurned him
because of that. Every woman who came with me got a suckling except me. And
when we decided to depart, I said, 'I do not like the idea of returning with
my friends without a suckling. I will take that orphan.' I took him for the
sole reason that I could not find anyone else." So much for the "light"
theory. Women were throwing themselves at Muhammad's dad to sire him, but no
one wanted to raise him. That doesn't make any sense.
What happened out there in the blowing sands and blistering heat is anybody's
guess. All we know is that a baby was abandoned by his mother and given to a
woman who was ill prepared to care for him. The only testimony that survives
is in the Qur'an - a haunting and recurring theme that suggests he may have
been abused. Allah's revelations speak of an orphan boy with wealthy
relatives being abandoned, treated poorly, and being shut out of the family
business - The Ka'aba Inc. Permutations of this theme permeate Allah's book,
compelling the Muslim sages to give this mess a prophetic twist.
Ibn Ishaq claims that when Muhammad was two, Halima brought him back to his
mother Aminah. Ishaq:72 "But she sent him back. Some months after his return
to the desert two men in white seized the boy, threw him down and opened up
his belly, stirring it up." We are told that Muhammad was "livid." "Halima
said, 'I am afraid that this child has had a stroke, so I want to take him
back before the result appears.' She carried him back to Aminah and said, 'I
am afraid that ill will befall him, so I have brought him back to you.' She
asked what had happened. I said, 'I fear that a demon has possessed him.'"
She was right.