working, free Arabic<=>English dictionaries
(too old to reply)
Herb Martin
2003-11-15 10:50:10 UTC
Does anyone have a link to working, free Arabic<=>English dictionaries

Even downloadable dictionaries would be greatly appreciated.

Most like Ajeeb or Sakhr require an ongoing fee.
Herb Martin
2003-11-17 08:24:06 UTC
Post by Herb Martin
Does anyone have a link to working, free Arabic<=>English dictionaries
Even downloadable dictionaries would be greatly appreciated.
Most like Ajeeb or Sakhr require an ongoing fee.

I don't know how useful they are, I mostly use a dictionary on paper. But
they are free.

Haitham Talib
2003-11-19 05:14:42 UTC
there is a software that may help. yet, this software is not that accurat.

the software name is "Al-Wafi" that can translate documents at once.

also, there is another software for the Mawrid Book. it is the Electronic mawrid which is exactly like the book but on the computer which is faster to find what you want. this is more accurate, however it translates word at a time.
Post by Qamra
Post by Herb Martin
Does anyone have a link to working, free Arabic<=>English dictionaries
Even downloadable dictionaries would be greatly appreciated.
Most like Ajeeb or Sakhr require an ongoing fee.
I don't know how useful they are, I mostly use a dictionary on paper. But
they are free.
Herb Martin
2003-11-24 08:01:28 UTC
Someone else suggested Ajeeb (or Sakhr)


Pretty proud of myself, since today I typed in my first words
(solo) in Arabic script and received definitions for each of them.

I was doing Pimsleur and didn't "get" the idea behind one of the lessons
and so several common words were just going in one ear and out the other.

I might buy the Ectaco dictionary for my PocketPC. I have been planning
to buy a Wehr but wonder if there is any real value to the 4th Edition over
the 3rd (3rd is older and quite a bit cheaper.)

Looks like Oxford is the best English to Arabic (some complain that Americans
must deal with the British English but that shouldn't be much of a problem.)
Herb Martin
"Haitham Talib" <***@insight.rr.com> wrote in message news:6%Cub.125616$***@twister.columbus.rr.com...
there is a software that may help. yet, this software is not that accurat.

the software name is "Al-Wafi" that can translate documents at once.

also, there is another software for the Mawrid Book. it is the Electronic mawrid which is exactly like the book but on the computer which is faster to find what you want. this is more accurate, however it translates word at a time.
Post by Qamra
Post by Herb Martin
Does anyone have a link to working, free Arabic<=>English dictionaries
Even downloadable dictionaries would be greatly appreciated.
Most like Ajeeb or Sakhr require an ongoing fee.
I don't know how useful they are, I mostly use a dictionary on paper. But
they are free.
2003-12-21 23:14:25 UTC
I've used this site: http://www.cimos.com/index.asp?src=try many times,
although I haven't check it for a long time, and after reading your post I
decided to check it today and found that they have changed it, I tested it
today 12-21-03 and it doesn't seem to work, however this site has always
been a little unreliable, sometimes it up and sometimes it's down and
sometimes when it's up it still doesn't work but if I were you I'd at least
keep it in my book mark list and check it every so often to see if it's
working again...

I am starting the Pimsleur language method like you also mentioned in
another post, were you using the eastern arabic course or the egyptian
arabic course? I'm using the eastern one and it seems to be working fine for
me although some of my native arabic speaking friends say the dialect sounds
funny like as if they are trying to speak classical arabic but with some
lebanese accent in there as well...

Post by Herb Martin
Does anyone have a link to working, free Arabic<=>English dictionaries
Even downloadable dictionaries would be greatly appreciated.
Most like Ajeeb or Sakhr require an ongoing fee.
Herb Martin
Herb Martin
2003-12-22 04:54:33 UTC
Post by huh1948
I've used this site: http://www.cimos.com/index.asp?src=try many times,
although I haven't check it for a long time, and after reading your post I
decided to check it today and found that they have changed it, I tested it
today 12-21-03 and it doesn't seem to work, however this site has always
been a little unreliable, sometimes it up and sometimes it's down and
sometimes when it's up it still doesn't work but if I were you I'd at least
keep it in my book mark list and check it every so often to see if it's
working again...
Thanks -- I had missed that one (it might have been down the days I did my
dictionary searches.)

Dictionaries I have found include:
(these two might be the same but the interfaces are slightly different)
Post by huh1948
I am starting the Pimsleur language method like you also mentioned in
another post, were you using the eastern Arabic course or the Egyptian
Arabic course?
Eastern Pimsleur (but I did the Egyptian short course first before buying
the full Eastern.)
Post by huh1948
I'm using the eastern one and it seems to be working fine for
me although some of my native Arabic speaking friends say the dialect
Post by huh1948
funny like as if they are trying to speak classical Arabic but with some
Lebanese accent in there as well...
Are they Syrian or Jordanian? The dialect on the Eastern is probably closer
Syrian from my understanding and would sound odd to others -- it might also
be cleaned up a bit towards MSA or Modern Educated Arabic.

I am working: Modern Iraqi Arabic, Pimsleur Eastern Arabic, and MOSTLY
RosettaStone Arabic (Level 1, Unit 5, Lesson 3) which is the very best of
although doing it without other grammar and dialog resources like those
would not be nearly as efficient.

I am about 4 weeks into this (with 5 days forced off for other commitments)
it is clear that RosettaStone is teaching me Arabic.

If you are doing Eastern then consider this FREE, online (downloadable) book
with both text and audio for Syrian Arabic:

Syrian Colloquial Arabic Course http://syrianarabic.com/

These are also sets of free lessons online:
Herb Martin