Post by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by MeldonPost by Meldons... >>Meldon Fens wrote: >>
discounting of
any >> >>>talk about a religious war? I wonder why such a
significant >> >>>amount of energy and resources was spent
refuting any >>possibility >>>that 9-11 was a sign of
religious conflict? >> >>>
Post by Meldonpostulate >>>the reason for the efforts to disclaim any
such religious >>>conflict. It was not until I
discovered the true nature of jewish >>>nationalism
that I could begin to imagine
the >>motivation for such >>>an effort which now seems
Post by Meldonclear. An admission that >>>9-11 is a sign of
conflict >>would open a larger can of >>>worms, namely,
the 2500 year war >>waged by jews against non-jews. >>>
Post by Meldonthreat to the >>>world. Worse, the problem is so
ingrained that it is impossible >>>to alleviate. If
you're not jewish, you're
screwed. >> >>>
and >>we >>>keep the promise: We will not be the first to
introduce >>nuclear >>>weapons in the Middle East," Lapid
said. "But you must >>know that >>>we are a country
threatened to be annihilated by our >>enemies. We >>>are
the only country in the world which is >>threatened by
Post by MeldonPost by Meldon Fensannihilation. And therefore we have the full
only the >>>right, we have the obligation to do the
Post by Meldonutmost to keep our >>>security in best shape." >> >>>
Post by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by Meldon Fens
anun u/index.h
tm >>l >>> >>> >> >>>
Post by Meldonfollowing >>>Vanunu's words and deeds after his
release .."
Post by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by Meldon Fens
mNo= 415354&co
nt >>r >>>assI
what >> >>McConnell and others including Mearsheimer and
Walt state it to >>be. >>It's not "the Israel lobby". It
could only be called that >>if it >>represented the views
of all Israeli Jews. It does not do >>so any >>more than
AIPAC represents the views of all Jewish >>Americans.
Post by Meldon(According to recent polls, AIPAC probably speaks >>for
not more than
Post by Meldonone-third of all Jewish Americans and possibly
considerably less). >> >> >>A more accurate (but not
completely accurate) description of the >>
Post by Meldonparticular phenomenon is "Likud lobby", terminology
which conveys
Post by Meldon FensPost by Anarchorethe correct impression that the lobby is rightwing
and very hardline, even extreme, and opposed to
peace on any terms the
vast >>majority of Palestinians and most other Arabs
and Muslims
Post by Meldon FensPost by Anarchoreeverywhere could accept. >> >>
Way back in February 1980, I had a private
with Shimon >>Peres. He was then the leader of Israel's
Labour Party, the main >>opposition to Menachem Begin's
Likud dominated ruling coalition, >>which was speeding
up the colonisation of the occupied West Bank. >>In
the course of this conversation, I
used >>the term "Israel lobby". >>In a voice laced with
despair and a >>hint of anger, Peres said: >>"It's not an
Israel lobby. It's a >>Likud lobby. And that's my
Post by Meldonproblem." (At the time Peres and >>almost the whole
including >>President Carter was hoping >>that he would
win Israel's next >>election and deny Begin a second
Post by Meldonterm in office as prime minister. >>He didn't)...] >>
Post by Meldon FensPost by Anarchore
es%2 0history
.h >>tm >>#Lon don%207/7%20bombing >> >> >>
Post by MeldonPost by Meldon FensAnd "moderate" jews are silent, impotent and ignorant
they >> >complicit?
Post by MeldonAll of the above.
Post by Meldon FensJewish dominated news media are silent, impotent and
ignorant or are they complicit?
More than complicit, they are a plank of ZOG.
Post by Meldon FensAcademics well versed in every
subject relevant but not limited to society, politics
conflict >> >are silent, impotent and ignorant or are they
complicit? >>
Post by MeldonMostly complicit, including people like Michel
Chossudovsky, who critisizes Israel profusely yet has a
blind spot to Israeli
false >>flag terror.
Post by Meldon
It wasn't until I started reading articles at >> until I got a feel for the role of
these gatekeepers in covering >>for Israel's covert
terror, while condemning their public terror >>against
Palestinians. Now I can spot the left/Jewish gatekeepers
Post by Meldoneasily, including some on this newsgroup. >>
Post by Meldon FensWhat can possibly account for so much silence,
and >ignorance other than complicity?
This is the age of political apathy.
If you're thick enough to believe that Jews are your
enemy why
the >> fuck would I want to have anything to do with you.
Post by MeldonConsider me a Jew.
Consider me a fag.
Consider me an immigrant.
Zion bullshit. Its quite obvious Zion is the whipping boy
as >the sacrificial lamb when anyone gets too close to the
truth behind >the jewish plan for hegemony.
So AIPAC is not Zionist, but just looks that way?
Nothing I stated suggests AIPIAC is not Zionist or that
Zionism does not exist. Zionism has to exist to serve as an
excuse for jews behaving badly. Are you suggesting AIPIC is
not jewish, but it just looks that way?
It's not just Jews that support AIPAC.
So AIPIC is neither jew nor Zionisist?
Now you're being silly.
We agree the extension of your logic in this example is silly.
O --- Kay, let's just drop that one...
Post by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by MeldonNew York Yankees are not the same as Boston Red Sox either,
however they are in the same league, use the same rules, are
governed by the same commission. Their players and tactics
may be different but its still baseball.
You're implying a jew is not the same as a Zionist, Israeli,
an Hassidic or any other variation. I claim a jew by any
other name is still a jew. Was a distinction made between
members of the Nazi party? Was Hess a lesser Nazi than
Hitler? Is a white from Ohio treated differently than a white
from Michigan?
Its my understanding the primary characteristic of Zionists is
jewish nationalism. The "state" was re-born in 1948. There is
no current need for Zionism but to serve as a crucible.
Post by MeldonIts jews, plain a simple.
Schofield Stepford Wife Christians like Stockwell Day are
Depends who you ask. A Christian born of a jewish mother is
jewish regardless of the religion they practice. Just as a
Christian converted to judaism is not a jew. Is Bob Rea's
wife not a jew because her husband isn't?
You misunderstand. Cyrus Schofielded Christians adhere to a
Zionist revisionist version of the Bible. Stockwell is one of
the Zionist Christians.
Hagee and others promote Christians for jews. Therefore they are
not Zionist? You're right; I don't understand (your reasoning).
I am saying that many of the front-line footsoldiers for world Jewry
are brainwashed apocalyptic Christian cultists.
They follow the twisted idea in their Zionist Bible that Israel the
rogue terrorist state equates to the Israel of the Bible.
I don't disagree but where are the jews? They seem to magically
dissapear from any discussion of malevolence.
I see one television show after another where jewish intellectuals,
scholars and authors engaged in recounting some great historical
event highlighting how terrible the representative of white anglo
society and is severely demonized. Hardly if ever a jew is desribed
in a negative light and never as a jew. There seems always to be
accoutability when it comes to white anglo but never when it comes to
This begins to become obvious so the whipping boy must be employed,
once again diverting any accountability to the jew.
The most negative portrayal of a jew I've ever been able to witness
was in the case of Oppenheimer and atomic bomb development and even
then was tremendously sympathetic. In fact he was representative of a
Clearly any plan of jewish hegemony will necessitate generating
hatered toward everything white and anglo and by all accounts we are
there now and those able to see through the tangles knott are
witnessing it daily. Feminism is based on this very principle of
hatered toward white anglo men just as civil rights were.
Can't argue with that, although civil rights in name sounds like a fair
and classical liberal idea.
Post by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by MeldonPost by MeldonThey want
their beloved temple back and will stop at nothing until
they get
it. >Hegemony is necessary and that is what is taking
Post by MeldonUnfortunately, you've exposed yourself as just another
an >advanced one perhaps but an operative nonetheless.
Yes, that's why my paycheck is so much better than what the
pedestrian shills and gatekeepers here make. My colleague
Archie Kennedy is just a few cubicles over from me!
Your posting numbers equate to a professional operative
regardless of the size of your paycheck.
Well so do yours then.
They do? I'll have to take a look but I seriously doubt I make up
to 1000 posts per month or 30 posts per day including holidays.
Hey it takes me 10 seconds during my morning coffee to post a link
and add my scathing editorial comments, and I have a habit of always
replying to responses.
I suppose you will hold this site as more evidence that I am getting
I mean gee, why would anyone go to the trouble to expose the real
terrorists and fascists in our government and media if they were not
getting paid for it?
It is of utmost importance that anger is focused and directed to the
intended target. The site, or whether or not you are paid has little
to do with the real story; the magical dissapearing jew.
I point the finger at a lot of Jews, Simon Wiesenthal centre thug Leo
Adler and his anti-internet speaking tour across Canada, the rotten
"human rights expert" Irwin Cotler, the Liberal Parliamentarians for
Israel, the Israel Allies Caucus, CJPAC, CJC, B'nai Brith, the rotten
National Post and Canwest Global, and the rotten fifth columnists they
Most people don't even know what half of those are, or their
significance. But my blog is open 24/7 for those who want to find out.
I am not going to call for every Jews head on a pike, however!
Post by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by MeldonNo the truth is that many Jews identify with Zionism through
propaganda just like brainwashed Canadians identify with
the WWII slaughter of Vimy Ridge. Jewish terrorism is
glorified. The difference is that the Zionist-Jewish
propaganda is instilled at a much younger age with fear as
the catalyst.
I don't see how this suggests any difference between them. It
in fact supports my argument, there is little if any
difference. Any difference is superficial just as a Yankee to
a Bo-Sox.
**The most convincing factor is what I've already stated. If
Zionism is the evil, we wouldn't hear about it and any such
website espousing the truth would not be available.**
According to that theory there would be no sites naming the
Jews, of which there are plenty.
If there are such sites, I would assume they are classed as
anti-semitic and neo-nazi. If they are allowed to operate without
harrassment and constant legal action against them, they are very
likely bait sites where unsuspecting visitors are encouraged to
You are being silly. The US doesn't have the laws that Canada has,
so the Zionofascists cannot touch free speech on websites hosted
Total poppy-cock. Canadians live in just as mich fear of saying
something to offend the wonderful benevolent class for religous
zealots that they do in the United States and any other country in
the world.
I'm sorry, my writing is very bad and I've caused you to misunderstand.
I meant, "The US doesn't have the THOUGHTCRIME laws that Canada has".
In other words freedom of speech is still legal in the USA, but not in
Post by Meldon FensThe numerous cases invloving Lemire which I have posted
will attest to this. The vociferous and immediate response from
operatives as a result of any provocative post concerning jews,
Israel or any other combination thereof made on Usenet is another
telling featire of the extent of jewish reach into our lives.
You fail to account for extensions of the Anti Defamation Leage and
B'nai Brith in Canada both of which are very active.
I agree, Canada looks like it is more Zionised/Judaized(whatever you
want to call it) than the USA, due to our weak/lack of constitution.
Post by Meldon FensPost by Anarchore
I checked it. I enjoyed the information. It was quite impressive and
enlightening even mind-blowing. Unfortunately as I mentioned, it
makes mo mention of jews and points to the Zionist movement. Even if
I am wrong, it does not account for the lack of jewish dissent toward
Zionists. The site reports a handful of jews critical of zionism.
I've never seen a documentary discussing WWII and the zionist role
much less the jewish role.
You will... there are a lot of people working on the internets...
Post by Meldon FensOn and on it goes. Clearly the stage is being set for jewish
domination of everything on the planet no matter what the cost or the
magnitude of the lie. It gives credence to the most bizarre 9-11
theories and who couls possibly blame the fringe for thinking such
things after the abundance of evidence we see everyday.
It isn't bizarre when you see what they have done before.
Anyway, I see that you are disillusioned and want some straight talk
about the Jews. You mentioned that any site criticizing the Jews would
be hounded out of existence. Not true, because although the USA is one
of the headquarters of world Zionism they still have their right to
free speech. The Zionists are hoping the public apathy will remain
even as people lose their homes and face starvation.
One of the links I gave you is John Bryant's site. It remains one of
my favorite, I like his style and his was one of the first that I
devoured in my path to anti-Zionism and critique of Judaization.
"...while there are many other political and social problems which
might seem to be far more pressing than anything relating to Jews, the
strange and ugly fact is that a careful examination of these problems
leads to but a single conclusion: Most of them have an intimate
relation to Jews."
For an example of an honest canadian website(that is in trouble with
the Jewish witch-hunters) is , whose
webmaster Arthur Topham is facing heat.
Post by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by Meldon FensPost by AnarchorePost by MeldonWe may have "good" jews, "bad" jews, Zionists or Israelis.
They certainly do not worship a different set of texts from
each other. A "non-religious" jew considers themselves and is
considered a jew.
To jews there is no difference between non-jews. They are all goy.
As a white anglo from long history of working class, I'm
considered to have all the privilege that elite white anglos
have. As a male I'm considered no different than any other
male. Funny how there's no collectivism when it comes to
"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're
afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know
the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end.
I came here, to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang
up this phone and then I'm going to show these people what you don't
want them to see. I'm going to show them a world, without you. A
world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A
world where anything is possible. Where we go from there, is a choice
I leave to you." - The Matrix.
The scary duality of the concept depicted in The Matrix and why the
film may be so appealing to a wide audience is it plays to both
sides. The first is the jews destroying any vestige of white anglo
society. The second, white anglo resistance exposing the jewish plan
for hegemony.
There is still time to prevent another jewish holocaust.
Help Meldon fight the WAR.
If you're thick enough to believe that Jews are your enemy why the
fuck would I want to have anything to do with you.
Consider me a Jew.
Consider me a fag.
Consider me an immigrant.