Slavery's Formula
(too old to reply)
Meldon Fens
2008-04-05 00:04:26 UTC
A formula for slavery: GDP = C + I + G + (X-M)

"Government has no resources of its very own. The only way government can
give one person money is to first take it from another person. Doing so
represents the forcible using of one person, through the tax code, to serve
the purposes of another. That is a form of immorality akin to slavery. After
all, a working definition of slavery is precisely that: the forcible use of
one person to serve the purposes of another." - John M. Olin, 2005; The
condensed version of "The Road to Serfdom"
by F.A. Hayek as it appeared in the April 1945 edition of reader's digest,
Forward by Walter E. Williams


There is still time to prevent another jewish holocaust.
Help Meldon fight the WAR.

The Doctor
2008-04-05 00:14:30 UTC
Post by Meldon Fens
A formula for slavery: GDP = C + I + G + (X-M)
"Government has no resources of its very own. The only way government can
give one person money is to first take it from another person. Doing so
represents the forcible using of one person, through the tax code, to serve
the purposes of another. That is a form of immorality akin to slavery. After
all, a working definition of slavery is precisely that: the forcible use of
one person to serve the purposes of another." - John M. Olin, 2005; The
condensed version of "The Road to Serfdom"
by F.A. Hayek as it appeared in the April 1945 edition of reader's digest,
Forward by Walter E. Williams
There is still time to prevent another jewish holocaust.
Help Meldon fight the WAR.
Are you William Grosvenor in disguise?
Member - Liberal International
This is ***@nl2k.ab.ca Ici ***@nl2k.ab.ca
God, Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
USA petition for dissolution of your nation!
This is your brain on Fox News.
2008-04-05 12:10:27 UTC
Post by Meldon Fens
A formula for slavery: GDP = C + I + G + (X-M)
"Government has no resources of its very own. The only way government can
give one person money is to first take it from another person. Doing so
represents the forcible using of one person, through the tax code, to serve
the purposes of another. That is a form of immorality akin to slavery. After
all, a working definition of slavery is precisely that: the forcible use of
one person to serve the purposes of another." - John M. Olin, 2005; The
condensed version of "The Road to Serfdom"
by F.A. Hayek as it appeared in the April 1945 edition of reader's digest,
Forward by Walter E. Williams
There is still time to prevent another jewish holocaust.
Help Meldon fight the WAR.
One problem with your formula. In America, the govenment, when it's
functioning properly, answers to the will of the people. The
government is controlled by the people--when democracy works here,
once Bush is removed.

Those who advocate for the privatization of everything are interested
in only their own greed. They believe that only the rich should have
college educations, health benefits, property, clean water, untainted
food, the use of roads and highways, law enforcement, fire department,
and a myriad of other services provided by the government.

To return to the nonsense of Meldon's post, those tax dollars are
gathered and spent on what the will of the people demand. Perhaps the
government doesn't always follow the will of the people but that is
only because the people are sometimes too lazy and self absorbed to
make the government listen.

I'll close with one simple illustration of what would happen if Meldon
got his way. Imagine that streets and highways are privatized.
Someone owns the street that you live on, the highway near your home,
the bridges you cross. These people who own these streets, highways
and bridges want to make a profit off of their ownership. They'll
charge you a lot more than what the government does to maintain the
roads because the government isn't in the road maintaining business to
make a profit. They'll charge high tolls. You'll be charged heavily
just to drive down your street to the local market. Perhaps you'll
just walk then. Where will you walk? Without a government, commons
will no longer exists, such as sidewalks and free streets. Perhaps
those who own the streets will be generous enough to let you walk the
street. Just look at how generous all the corporations are. During
our economic downturn, didn't you notice how generous the oil
companies were by lowering the price of fuel and how grocery stores
have lowered the price of food and ....yeah, generosity isn't what
corporations are about.

Privatization benefits only the very rich. Do you have a few million
dollars? If not, then privatization will hurt you.
2008-04-05 16:08:34 UTC
Post by This is your brain on Fox News.
Post by Meldon Fens
A formula for slavery: GDP = C + I + G + (X-M)
"Government has no resources of its very own. The only way government can
give one person money is to first take it from another person. Doing so
represents the forcible using of one person, through the tax code, to serve
the purposes of another. That is a form of immorality akin to slavery. After
all, a working definition of slavery is precisely that: the forcible use of
one person to serve the purposes of another." - John M. Olin, 2005; The
condensed version of "The Road to Serfdom"
by F.A. Hayek as it appeared in the April 1945 edition of reader's digest,
Forward by Walter E. Williams
There is still time to prevent another jewish holocaust.
Help Meldon fight the WAR.
One problem with your formula. In America, the govenment, when it's
functioning properly, answers to the will of the people. The
government is controlled by the people--when democracy works here,
once Bush is removed.
Those who advocate for the privatization of everything are interested
in only their own greed. They believe that only the rich should have
college educations, health benefits, property, clean water, untainted
food, the use of roads and highways, law enforcement, fire department,
and a myriad of other services provided by the government.
To return to the nonsense of Meldon's post, those tax dollars are
gathered and spent on what the will of the people demand. Perhaps the
government doesn't always follow the will of the people but that is
only because the people are sometimes too lazy and self absorbed to
make the government listen.
I'll close with one simple illustration of what would happen if Meldon
got his way. Imagine that streets and highways are privatized.
Someone owns the street that you live on, the highway near your home,
the bridges you cross. These people who own these streets, highways
and bridges want to make a profit off of their ownership. They'll
charge you a lot more than what the government does to maintain the
roads because the government isn't in the road maintaining business to
make a profit. They'll charge high tolls. You'll be charged heavily
just to drive down your street to the local market. Perhaps you'll
just walk then. Where will you walk? Without a government, commons
will no longer exists, such as sidewalks and free streets. Perhaps
those who own the streets will be generous enough to let you walk the
street. Just look at how generous all the corporations are. During
our economic downturn, didn't you notice how generous the oil
companies were by lowering the price of fuel and how grocery stores
have lowered the price of food and ....yeah, generosity isn't what
corporations are about.
Privatization benefits only the very rich. Do you have a few million
dollars? If not, then privatization will hurt you.
Show me where I suggested, inferred, implied any such notion of
privatization. I *am* trying to point out that government expenditures
is factored into GDP. That's the people's money that's being spent. WE
have to pay for it.

One suggestion might be to use the inverse (1/G) in the GDP equation
instead of (G/1).

One country alone could not hope to do this and compete, so the UN
could institute the change on a global scale. Everything stays exactly
the same except government's propensity to spend.
